Monday, October 12, 2009

Chapter 81 The Gaga Offer

Vicky was missing.

The news was announced the day after the pod went to visit her. Her body was missing out of the hospital, under mysterious circumstances.

“Oh my God,” Conrad whispered.

“She doesn't have the Britemiscope,” Maria said slowly.

“Does the article say she's gonna be all right without it?” Conrad asked.

Maria quickly scanned.

“It... doesn't think there's any hope,” Maria groaned, closing the newspaper.

“How did this happen?” Logan whispered. “First Sara, now Vicky.”

The pod was sitting in the cafeteria, while Alex, George, Vito, Ashley, and Kristen were up in the lunch line.

“This all relates to Logan's theory,” Conrad said. “There's something deep and dark going on in here!”

“Didn't we think that Vicky was the cause of whatever was going on?” Maria asked.

“We must be wrong. But if it's not Vicky, then who - “

The conversation was interrupted by Professor Gaga, who walked up to their table.

“Hay hon,” she said to Conrad.

“Oh hay...,” Conrad said.

“Listen. I'm going on a mini-tour around New Jersey for the next 2 weeks, during the vacation, and you're my biggest fan. I was wondering if you and a friend would like to come along and manage my band and all that stuff,” Gaga offered.

Conrad dropped the tomato he was about to eat.

“You... jokin',” he choked out.

“Nope. Me and Miss Nana already worked out the entire thing,” Gaga replied.

Conrad opened and closed his mouth.

“W... when?” he whispered.

“We set out tomorrow at dawn,” Gaga answered.

Conrad turned to Maria and Logan.

“Which one of you wants to go?” he whispered.

“I will!” Logan said.

“NO!” Maria cried, but not before Lady Gaga nodded and left.

“DOOD!” she squealed. “There are more important prospects afoot!”

“Darn I forgot...,” Conrad muttered.

“Maria, we are so sorry,” Logan said. Alex, George, Vito, and Ashley rejoined them at the table.

“Anyone want a chip?” Alex offered.

“It's up to you now,” Logan whispered so only Maria could hear. “Be careful, and stick with Miley.”

“Speak softly and carry a big stick,” Conrad advised.

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