Monday, June 22, 2009

Chapter 51 - Fighter Jets!!

“HAY!” Conrad shouted to Gargillya. “HAAAAAAY! SLOW! SLOW DOWN! A BIRD NEEDS TO GET IN!”

Indeed, a messenger pigeon was following the flying hut, which was somewhere over India.

Maria reached out and pulled the pigeon inside.

“It's a parcel from Freckles!” Maria exclaimed.

Conrad and Logan gathered around to read.


Milks in the fridge.

In case you didn't understand the coded message above, it means that I'm heading to Canada.

Please try to find me. I'm hungry, and want milk.

I... need company!

Btw, now that you read this message, it probably means that you will be stalked by various governmental companies who are hunting me.

Good luck surviving!

If not your mother,

your burden.


“Yay! Freckles misses you!” Logan smiled happily.

“HAY!” Gargillya called up to Gargillya. “Turn around, hon! We're heading to Canada!”

Gargillya didn't reply!

“HAAAAAAY!” Maria, Conrad, and Logan screamed.

“F... fight... FIGHTER JETS!!” Gargillya screamed.

From the floor, Gargillya's grandmother moaned with fear.

Maria, Conrad, and Logan raced to the window.

Fighter jets were chasing them.

“BAD, UNSTEALTHY MESSENGER PIGEON!” Maria screamed at the pigeon, kicking it out of the hut.

The fighter jet closest to them shot rockets at the hut, which Gargillya barely avoided.

“#@$@#%!” a voice from the jet called. “Surrender, and give us that letter!”

“NEVER!” Conrad screamed.

“FLY, GARGILLYA, FLY!” Maria screamed.

“If I can lose them,” Gargillya whispered to herself,” I can safely get to Canda.”

They were already back to Trenton, New Jersey.

“Wow,” Logan said.

“CAR MODE, ACTIVATE!” Gargillya screamed.

The hut morphed into a car, and dropped down into a crowded highway.

“Curses!” a fighter jet pilot cried to the other pilot in the other jet. “Don't let them out of your sight!”

Chapter 50 Lie

So far, Vicky’s Christmas break was much more enjoyable than the pod’s. Sara was going over to her house, only for today, the perfect way to kick off the break.

“Hay Sonya,” Vicky and Sara said.

“Oh hay,” Sonya said. “Vicky, one of your teachers is talking to mom. You’re in trouble!”

“Which - “

It was then that Mrs. Apple and Vicky’s chorus teacher Mr. Conelly entered.

“Hello, Vicky,” Conelly said.

Vicky didn’t say anything.

“Conelly thinks that you would be great in Select Choir, Vicky. it’s a great honor,” Mrs. Apple said.

Vicky’s brain was malfunctioning.

“No,” she thought. “I can’t do this. Lie lie lie.”

“Um I can’t I’ll be busy finding dragons,” Vicky said quickly.

“Oh boqay,” Conelly said and left.

Vicky held her breath as he passed.

“And then. . .,” Sara sobbed.

Yes. Sara Smilehappygirl was crying once again.

“Don’t say anything,” Vicky thought desperately. “If I have to, lie lie lie.”

“Isn’t that horrible??” Sara screamed.

“No, I mean yes. I mean its in the middle--- oh hay,” Vicky said quickly.

“Yes. It is horrible,” Sara answered.

Vicky’s vacation was quickly going downhill. First, her least favorite teacher showed up at her house and almost touched her. Now, Sara was back to her depressing state.

“Then Lovely told me - “Sara continued.

“MERRY CHRISTMAS!” Vicky roared. “Let’s go watch for Santa!”

“It’s just the 19th,” Sonya said.

“Watch it,” Vicky hissed.

“Please!” Sara cried. “I need order!”

“NO!” Vicky finally snapped. “Please, just stop complaining about Ryan and Dante! Yes, you are an unfortunate little girl. I feel bad for you! But I have things to complain about too, you know! Just. . . Just get out of here! Go, enjoy your break.”

Sara got up.

“Fine!” she yelled. “I’ll go enjoy my break! Who needs you, Victoria Joe Apple?!”

And just like that, Sara leaped out of the window and out of Vicky’s life.

Chapter 49 Gargillya

“Hay can I come over to your house for the break? Lukas and shanaynay took the hair straightner to the car wash a week ago and never came back,” Logan asked Conrad in Noriega’s class.

“Um I was about to ask you the same thing. Freck - I mean Pebbles had to flee the country, and left me in the care of some stranger named Gargillya!” Conrad said.

“Ew Gargillya!? She’s the village werewolf!” Maria cried.

“What you know her??” Conrad asked.

“Ya. She used to live outside my house and scratch the windows at night. Every full moon, she would morph into a ferocious, hairy beast and stalks my kittens,” Maria replied.

“Oh. That’s just grand,” Conrad groaned.

“You know what? I think I’ll ask Maria for a ride in her plane instead,” Logan said.

“Nope,” Maria said. “I cannot drive it under state laws, ever since Dante smashed the window.”

“Ugh!” Logan cried. “Looks like we’re all stuck with the werewolf.”

“She’s not THAT mean,” Maria tried to tell them. “when she’s fattening you up for dinndinn.”

Maria, Conrad, and Logan met up outside the Academy.

“the werewolf usually drives a - “ Maria began.

Suddenly, it was as though the air around them exploded with fart. Conrad covered his ears from the loudness.

“… a very loud and clunky - “ Maria tried to continue.

A flying hut with dragon wings sticking out of the walls came soaring into sight, backfiring loudly.

“Eee hee hehe!” a voice from inside cackled.

“Oh God,” Conrad whispered.

The hut swooped down, scooped the pod up, and continued its flight without stopping.

In less than a second, Logan found himself gazing around a quaint and normal room that was missing half the floor.

“Oh boqay,” he muttered.

“Hay. I’m Gargillya,” a creepy old woman with frizzy hair said from a story above. “Normally, I would come down to smell your faces, but I have a hut to drive, see?”

“Oh hay I’m Conrad your new foster child,” Conrad said nervously.

The hut backfired loudly again, causing a book case to fly open. An old woman, tied up and gagged, rolled out onto the floor.

“oh pay no attention to her. She’s my grandmother,” Gargillya called down.

“Um please drop me off. Now,” Logan pleaded. They were directly over his house, and he could see Lukas, Shanaynay, and Alexis Grace smiling up at him from the driveway.

“NOW!!” Logan roared to Gargillya.

“Can’t!” Gargillya replied. “There’s no stopping this hut!”

“But YOU control it!” Logan cried.

Gargillya didn’t reply.

“Great!” Maria snapped. “I’m going to spend Christmas break flying around the world in a hut with a crazed werewolf.”

“We can probably escape if we’re lucky,” Conrad whispered.

The 3 peered over the edge. The east coast was far behind them, and all they could see was the Atlantic ocean.

“Oh never mind,” Conrad sighed.

Chapter 48 Oh Hay

The hallways were completely empty, because it was still class. Sara took Lovely throughout the entire building, discovering places in the school she didn’t even know existed.

Finally, she felt an overwhelming wave of sadness crash over her and decided to stop in the girl’s bathroom, the one with the Fountain of Time and the boiling pot of tea.

She shut herself in a stall so no one could see her crying.

After half an hour, she heard footsteps from someone walking near where she was, and tried to stop crying.

Too late.

“Hello?” a familiar voice called.


Sara quickly tried to shut up, because Dante didn’t know exactly why she was sad.

“Sara? Is that you?” Dante called.

“Go away!” Sara snapped. “Can’t you see there’s nothing in here besides me and my crap?!”

“Sara, what’s wrong?” Dante asked.


“Come on, you can tell me,” Dante said. “We’re related.”

“No we’re not!” Sara said.

“Oh. Oh yeah,” Dante said.

Sara smiled and emerged from the stall.

“Oh hay.”

“Hay,” Dante said.

“Oh my God Dante, what the heck are you doing in the girl’s bathroom??” Sara cried,

“Well, I was getting a cup of tea,” Dante gestured to tea pot,” but then I heard you crying.”


“You still didn’t tell me why you were crying.”

“Well,” Sara said, walking over to the Fountain of Time to wash her hands. “Various things, um. . . Went wrong.”

“Like what?” Dante asked, following her to the sink.

“Oh, you know. A lot of things,” Sara answered.

Dante sighed.

“Fine,” he said. “Anyway, thanks for the chat, but I have to get back to class, and-”

“Wait!” Sara said. “I have something to tell you.”

She took a deep breath.

“It’s just that, umm. . .”
To Dante, it seemed like she changed what she was going to say in mid-sentence.

“Umm. . . I eat food.”

“Oh. Boqay,” Dante replied, a little confused. He emptied his tea cup and left.

Chapter 47 Pop Goes the Weasel

Sara hurried to catch up with Maria the next day after Noriega’s class was over.

“Oh hay,” Maria said.

“Hay,” Sara said.

“Um bai,” Maria said, going to enter her next class.

“WAIT!” Sara cried. “I need to know something.”

She pulled Maria close by the collar.

“Something important,” she whispered.

She released Maria.

“Um boqay let’s talk in the dorm,” Marai said, and the 2 ducked into their room.

“What’s up, girl?” Maria asked.

“ I need to know if and why Dante is obsessed with you,” Sara demanded.

“Yes and idk,” Maria replied.

“Details please,” Sara ordered, taking precise notes.

“Idk why he’s obsessed he said it was something to do with love at first sight or something crappy boqay is that all ??” Maria replied.

“So… he loves you,” Sara repeated, very slowly and almost disappointed.

“Yeah I guess. Why do you look so down, girl?” Maria asked.

“Um no reason. Boqay interview’s over. Bai,” Sara said, closing her notebook.

Maria quickly left.

Sara dropped her binders to the floor. Didn’t matter. She wasn’t going to class, anyway.

Sadly, she sat down on her bed. Lovely crawled up to her.

“Stupid Lovely,” Sara said. She picked the platypus up to throw her into the trash, but couldn’t.

“I’m sorry,” she told the platypus. “It’s just that, I thought we could be happy, now that Dante was here. But I was wrong.”

Lovely could tell Sara was trying hard not to cry, but didn’t say anything.

“Its not Dante’s fault, or Maria’s,” Sara told herself. “None of them have any idea.”

Lovely rubbed against her side. Sara smiled.

“Come on,” she said. “Let’s go for a little walk.”

Chapter 46 Here I come

The flight back to Supul Academy was boring, long, and nondescript.

When it landed down in the parking lot, crushing many cars, Dante peered out from a nearby bush.

“Excellent. My love is back in the country! I was about to book a flight out to The Queens of Persia!” Dante thought.

The doors to the plane opened, and Maria emerged out after the weird guy with the slimy nose.

“Oh hay,” Dante whispered tenderly.

He had set up a pitfall trap outside of Maria’s own airplane. When she went to check on it after Dante set off the alarm, she would fall into the trap, and into his arms.

“Here I come!” Dante said, and punched Maria’s plane window into tiny shards. He then leaped into a shrub.

Maria’s head came bobbing into sight, after the alarm sounded.

“Yes!” Dante whispered.

Followed by 4 other heads.

“Drat! Reinforcements!” Dante cursed.

“Ew who broke into my planeWAAAAAAAAAH!”

The ground beneath Maria’s feet caved in, and Maria toppled down into the trap.

Dante had to suppress his evil laughter.

Conrad, Logan, Vicky, and Sara fell inside the put after Maria like a wild pack of lemmings.

“Curses! Additional victims! That’s less than ideal,” Dante muttered darkly.

“Help! We’re in the ground!” 5 voices shouted.

Dante groaned, and emerged from the shrub.

“Attention!” he shouted down the pit. “For $20 a piece, I will release 4 of you!”

“@#$@!!! Let us all out of here, now! Please!” Maria called up.

“That’s it! Just for that, I’m going to release everyone except you!” Dante shouted.

“That’s a little harsh!” Maria called back.

“Hay wait a minute!” Sara called. “I know who you are! You’re voice! You’re intelect! You’re long nose sticking over the edge of the pit! You’re Dante!”

Dante swore.

“Prove it!!” he yelled.

“Um I just did!” Sara called back.

“Release us, or we call the police on you!” Conrad challenged.

“I’ll release everyone except Maria,” Dante bargained.

“Why do you only want to keep Maria?” Vicky wondered.

“Cause she mouted off to me,” Dante quickly lied.

“No!” Logan said. “Aren’t you like, obsessed with her or something?”

“Yeah, @#!$@#!!!” Maria called.

“911, please,” Conrad spoke into his phone.

“Fine!” Dante gave in. “Let me knit you a rope ladder that you can climb up!”

*2 hours later*


Dante threw the rope ladder over the edge.

Everyone climbed up it silently.

“Thanks,” Maria said sarcastically when she reached the top.

“No prob, hon,” Dante said. “No prob.”

Chapter 45 Freckles or Pebbles??

While Conrad was sleeping on the one hundred twenty-seventh floor of ‘The Queens of Persia’, a messenger pigeon tapped on the window.

Finally, Conrad woke up.

“WHAT??! HAYHAY!” Conrad yelled at the pigeon, awakening Vito and George.

He got up, opened the window, and claimed the message from the pigeon’s claws.

It read:

“Dear baby,

Yes, it has occurred.

I was finally busted for robbing the White House every day for the past 37 years. If you ever find a way to contact me (which I doubt you ever will) please call me not by my old name (Freckles) but by my new assumed identity, Pebbles.

In the meantime, I have left you in the care of a curious woman named Gargillya. She will pick you up for Christmas break right in the parking lot.

You won’t be able to miss her, hon.

Anyway, do not try to find me. It might tip THEM off.

If not you mother,

your friend.


The letter dropped to the floor.

Conrad raced through the hotel, sobbing.

He ran outside in the cold rain, and screamed,” WHERE ARE YOU, FRECKLES?!?!”

Chapter 44 How Maria Escaped

Maria remembered being bored, falling off the side of the mushroom.

“Nope not doin’ it,” Maria said.

She took a quick breath, and plummeted beneath the ocean.

“Ew oh my God a fish,” Maria thought.

It took her a few minutes to realize that she could breathe underwater in this certain type of liquid. She started to swim around, attempting to climb up on of the giant roots. They were too high.

“Maybe there’s a door down here or something stupid,” Maria thought.

While looking around, she saw Conrad, Logan, Vicky, and Sara running away through a door.

“Boqay whatever,” she thought.

After they left, Maria started to claw her way up the mushroom.

Suddenly, she felt a slight tugging.

“Wow what’s that??” she thought, before she and Miss Nana blasted into an alternate universe.

What happened was this. When Conrad, leading the way into the bra dimension, wished that Maria and Miss Nana were safe, the giant bra spoke up. It turns out Conrad had found the Wish Room by accident, and the bra granted his wish, this removing Maria and Miss Nana from the mushroom, and to a slightly more safe location.

Now back to the featured presentation.

“What just happened?” Maria asked Miss Nana as the two blasted through time and space.

“idk. Maybe the impact of my butt was too much for that poor, collapsing toadstool,” Miss Nana replied.

They were flung into the alternate dimension.

Miss Nana helped Maria up.

They were in a completely black room. A fierce Pokemon battle between a Wild Combee, a rabid Pikachu, and a ferocious Giritina raged around them.

Maria ducked underneath the Pikachu.

“I can’t find the portal to the next room!” she screamed.

“I see it!” Miss Nana gasped. “It’s on Giritina’s. . . oh, MAN!”

Giritina flew over Maria and the Pikachu. Thee was a door to another world where his butt should have been.

Maria and Miss Nana rode the wild Combee over to Giritina.

“HOLD STILL, GIRLFRIEND!!!!” Nana shouted to Giritina.

As one, Maria and Miss Nana leaped. Maria grabbed the doorknob and slipped through the door. Miss Nana followed.

Conveniently, Giritina’s butt led to the outside of the Supul House.

Maria rushed over to the class.

“Oh, there you are, Maria. We were just about to leave you for dead,” Noriega said.

“I was attacked by like this weird undead family but a Youtube sensation saved me,” Maria explained.

Conrad, Vicky, Logan, and Sara hurried over to her.

“Are you boqay??” Conrad asked.

“Yep,” Maria said.

“Why’d you take the blow for me??” Vicky asked.

“Umm I forget,” Maria said.

“Well, class,” Noriega said. “Did you enjoy our trip to the Supul House? Tomorrow, we will go to a cheese factory and discover what makes the holes in Swiss cheese.”

“Oh, that’ll be enlightening,” Maria said eagerly, and followed the calss to the roach-infested hotel.

Chapter 43 The Tatersacks

Just as Logan was hurrying over to them, Vicky saw 2 grayish figures zooming out from behind the moose.

The next thing she knew, something had grabbed her ponytail and lifted her off the ground.

“LET GO, FREAK!” Vicky screamed.

“We will give you noodles if you hush,” a thin, shaky voice whispered, and Vicky felt noodles being shoved into her pocket.

Soon, the moose was gone, and Vicky saw that they were on top of a giant mushroom in the middle of an extensive body of water. 6 long roots stuck out of the side, each leading to a door to another dimension at the end.

Random fast-paced dance music played in the background.

Vicky turned to face their captors. There were 2 skeletons, covered in gray (almost green) fuzz that was probably mold.

“Oh hay,” Vicky said.

“Every year for the last few centuries,” one skeleton began in a deep voice, “we like to steal children and eat them.”

“Oh boqay,” Maria said.

“And you’re the children,” the other skeleton said, this one the thin high-pitched one that had given Vicky noodles.

“Oh boqay,” Maria repeated.

“Umm why?” Conrad asked.

“Because people seem to enjoy going through out house, and we’re very territorial,” the deep-voiced skeleton answered.

“PLUS, WE’RE CRAZY!” the screechy skeleton screeched.

“Oh boqay,” Maria said.

“Um can you please release us?” Logan asked politely.

“No,” Skeleton 1 said.

“Well, I tried,” Logan sighed.

“We’ll give u lollies,” Sara offered temptingly.

“No means no!” Skeleton 2 shrieked.

There was long silence. The 5 children stared at the skeletons, who stared back silently.

“Soo. . . When you gonna eat us?” Vicky asked conversationally.

“NOW!” Skeleton 2 screamed.

“I call the one that smells like apples!” Skeleton 1 screamed.

Everyone silently turned to Vicky.

“Sorry, sister,” Sara said.

Vicky growled at the skeletons.

“Try it, then,” she hissed.

“Oh, we will,” 1 and 2 said. They ran at her, making clicking noises like raptors.

Vicky prepared to swing her ponytail at them and get them tangled in it.

However, the skeletons were knocked down by an enormous, jiggly pile of butt-fat that seemed to materialize out of no where.

“Nuh-uh,” a sassy teenaged voice from somewhere up above said. “Nana don’t think so.”

A teenaged girl with the biggest butt Vicky had ever seen dropped down on to the mushroom.

“Who?!” Maria shouted.

The weird girl smiled at Maria.

“I’m Miss Nana,” the girl said. “Buy my CDs.”

She then picked up the skeletons and started to lick them into nonexistence.

“WAIT!” skeleton 2 pleaded.

“We can’t help it! We’re just crazy with Supul!” skeleton 1 shouted.

“Wait a minute!” Vicky gasped. “You guys were eating children for the past few centuries. . . You called the Supul House your house. . . And you are crazy with Supul! I know who are guys are! You’re the Tatersacks.”

“. . . So?” the Tatersacks demanded.

“They make a good argument, hon,” Miss Nana snapped her fingers. “SO??”

“Oh I just found it kind of weird that the Tatersacks tried to eat us,” Vicky explained.

Miss Nana stuffed the skeletons down her pants.

“Boqay that works too,” Logan said.

“They’ll never survive!” Miss Nana cackled.

“Oh. Thanks, Miss Nana,” Conrad said.

“Anything for a fan!” Miss Nana cried.

“Um we are not fans but thanks anyway,” Maria replied.

“Please buy my CDs. I’m the best rapper on the web and I really need fans to get my career started,” Miss Nana said.

“Come on let’s catch up with the rest of the class,” Sara said. The 5 randomly chose a root to climb down.

“WAAAAAAAAAAAAAIT!” Miss Nana cried.

The 5 sighed and turned around.

“My butt hurts,” Miss Nana whispered.

5 sets of eyes grew large, and shared a very special look.

Miss Nana let out a cry, and her pants exploded.

The Tatersacks flew out.

“Oh hay,” Vicky said.

“Can we eat you know?” 2 whined angrily.

“No! Back off!” Vicky demanded.

The Tatersacks lunged at Vicky, despite her warning. They were about to eat her -

“NOOO!” Maria randomly jumped in front of Vicky, taking the blow for her. She was sent rolling down the side of the mushroom, and dropped into the ocean water below.

“MARIA!” the good guys cried.

“Why the heck did she take the blow for me?? Since when did I hardly even talk to her. . .,” Vicky wondered.

The Tatersacks silently turned to the rest of them.

“Do not worry, girls. Nana guna make these bad girls go away!” Miss Nana cried. “You guys run!”

Miss Nana lunged at the Tatersacks. Conrad, Vicky, Logan, and Sara chose a random root and tumbled down it. Sara flung open the door, revealing a room with a giant talking bra.

The 4 jumped through it, wishing that Maria and Miss Nana were safe.

Chapter 42 In the House of Supul

In less than 24 hours, Noriega’s class had loaded onto an airplane and had taken off for Switzerland.

“Ew oh my God its gonna be a 15 hour flight,” Maria groaned.

Luckily, the chairs bent back into makeshift beds.

Logan felt tired. He closed his eyes…

When he woke up, the flight had 9 hours left.

“I can’t wait until we get there!” he cried. He jumped up and grabbed a clock. “HURRY UP!”

He sat down, breathing heavily. Maria and Conrad stared at him curiously.

After 9 hours of uselessness, the plane touched down. Everyone loaded off.

“We will be staying here over night in a 2 ½ star hotel called ‘The Queens of Persia’. everyone has until 10 to check in with us tonight, or we sue. Everyone likin’ it?” Noriega informed them.

The Supul House was a couple miles away. The class got onto a bus.

“Omg I’m so excited,” Maria said.

“I’ma find the Wish Room!” George told everyone.

“Shutup no you’re not I’m gonna,” Vito said.

“Acorn of death!” Ashley said.

“Um cheese waterfall,” Alex said.

The bus stopped at a wooden house that looked like it was frozen in time just as it was collapsing.

“Everyone, stick TOGETHER!” Noriega demanded.

They entered the house, with Maria, Conrad, and logan sticking very closely together.

At first, it seemed to be a normal room with wooden walls and floors, and a diamond carpet in the middle. Then, the image flickered, and soon they were in an enormous mailbox.

The class looked around, amazed.

“YES! MY DREAM!” Vicky screamed.

One of the walls lowered down, and a giant envelope slid inside, crushing her.

Noriega led them through a door in the back.

Soon, the class was riding through a forest on the back of a giant squirrel.

“Eehee!” Kristen Kripple giggled, just before the brakes of her wheelchair snapped and she rolled off the side.

The squirrel leaped through a dimensional void in his nest, which took them to a purple dimension with cardboard boxes acting as planets.

“WOO! Let’s take a rest here,” Noriega said.

“We were in here for half a minute…,” Logan said.

The class traveled through many strange dimensions that day. Among them was the inside of a microchip, on top of an octopus with 12000 eyes, and across a river of liquefied squirrels.

Soon, they arrived at a completely white and empty room with nothing but a moose eating walnuts in the middle.

“Let’s stay here. This moose reminds me of my grandmother,” Logan said.

“But the rest of the class is leaving,” Maria said, watching the class run through a portal to another world.

Vicky and Sara stopped.

“You coming or not??” Vicky asked.


Logan hurried over to the rest of the class.

A black figure darted in the corner of his eye, and was gone the next second.

He stopped.

“What was th -”




Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee he he he…”

Chapter 41 In Which Maria Sees Something Worth seeing

Later that day, Maria realized that she was thirsty.

She got up to get some water.

There was a fountain in the girl’s bathroom that made Maria giggle with excitement every time she saw it. It was the one with the boiling pot of tea in it. Its water tasted fresh, and Maria would spend hours at it if she could.

Thus, she called it the Fountain of Time. There was also a plaque over the sink that coincidentally called it the same thing.

However, when Maria entered the girl’s bathroom on the third floor, she was not alone.

Katie Dibble was doing her makeup over the Fountain of Time.

“Ew what do YOU want??” Katie asked, as though it was ridiculous that Maria had entered a bathroom.

“Um I left my cantaloupe in one of these stalls,” Maria answered sarcastically. She hoped that by the time she was done ‘searching’ the stalls, Katie would be gone.

By the time Maria was done, Katie was still there. She was muttering something really weird to herself.

“Ew what are you saying freak?” Maria asked.

That seemed to snap Katie back to reality.

“Um nothing,” Katie said. “Good luck with your cantaloupe.”

She quickly gathered her stuff, leaving behind a confused Maria.

Whatever Katie had said, Maria was sure she heard the words ‘back 3 months’ in it.

Chapter 40 Whispers of a Field Trip

The beginning of December brought with it a rumor that Noriega was planning a field trip to an unknown location.

“I bet it’s Switzerland,” Maria whispered eagerly.

On the first day of class, the room was abuzz with excitement.

Noriega made a dramatic entrance by throwing open the closet door and twirling inside through a sudden cloud of smoke.

“Today,” he whispered,” we shall discuss the history of the Supul House.”

The class groaned in pain.

“And Wednesday,” he continued,” we shall take an all-expense paid trip to the Supul House!”

The class cheered wildly. Vicky flung herself at the wall in excitement.

“This beats Switzerland!” Maria cheered.

“The Supul House IS in Switzerland, stupid,” Conra said.

The Supul House was an enormous wooden shack that seemed like it was about to collapse. It used to be an asylum in the late 1800’s for patiends permanently infected with Supul.

One night, a Supul couple named the Tatersacks were staying at the asylum. Under a harsh disease, they used their amazing abilities to morph and distort the house, almost into another dimension of its own. Each time anyone entered a room, said room would be different. One minute it may lead to Mars, and the next it would take someone to a nest of baby platy (plural of platypus) in Michigan. Every location in the entire universe somehow fit into the house. It was safe, as long as no one got eternally lost and starved.

“Oh my God I can’t wait,” Logan whispered.

“I ponder what kinds of rooms we shall find!” Conrad gasped.

“Remember,” Noriega told the class. “Be VERY careful in there. In a house like that, almost anything is possible.”

The next day, the class was split into thirds. Maria, Conrad, Logan, Vicky, Sara, Alex, Ashley, Vito, and George were chosen as one group.

“Well, that was convenient,” PEEPEE said.

Logan, Ashley, and Alex traveled back to their dorm.

“I won’t leave until I see a cheese waterfall!” Alex assured them.

“I’ma look for an acorn,” Ashley said.

Logan and Alex looked at her blankly.

“AN ACORN OF DEEEATH!” Ashley justified.

Logan and Alex cheered.

In Conrad’s dorm, excitement was high.

“This is my chance to look for the Wish Room!” George said.

The Wish Room was used to grant any person who entered anything they desired. It was open only once every decade, proven that only 140 people entered it in the last 1,400 years, and only one person every 10 years. So far, no one from this decade had found it.

“What are you going to wish for?” Vito asked.

“To be the most viewed on Youtube,” George whispered.

“How very touching,” Conrad smiled.

“Me and Lovely are going to find a smoking’ hot hot dog to share,” Sara said to Vicky and Maria in their dorm.

“I’m going to snorkel in a liquid desert!” Maria said.

“I’ll find a relaxing spa and chill out,” Vicky said wistfully.

“Oh cool,” Maria sid.