Monday, June 22, 2009

Chapter 40 Whispers of a Field Trip

The beginning of December brought with it a rumor that Noriega was planning a field trip to an unknown location.

“I bet it’s Switzerland,” Maria whispered eagerly.

On the first day of class, the room was abuzz with excitement.

Noriega made a dramatic entrance by throwing open the closet door and twirling inside through a sudden cloud of smoke.

“Today,” he whispered,” we shall discuss the history of the Supul House.”

The class groaned in pain.

“And Wednesday,” he continued,” we shall take an all-expense paid trip to the Supul House!”

The class cheered wildly. Vicky flung herself at the wall in excitement.

“This beats Switzerland!” Maria cheered.

“The Supul House IS in Switzerland, stupid,” Conra said.

The Supul House was an enormous wooden shack that seemed like it was about to collapse. It used to be an asylum in the late 1800’s for patiends permanently infected with Supul.

One night, a Supul couple named the Tatersacks were staying at the asylum. Under a harsh disease, they used their amazing abilities to morph and distort the house, almost into another dimension of its own. Each time anyone entered a room, said room would be different. One minute it may lead to Mars, and the next it would take someone to a nest of baby platy (plural of platypus) in Michigan. Every location in the entire universe somehow fit into the house. It was safe, as long as no one got eternally lost and starved.

“Oh my God I can’t wait,” Logan whispered.

“I ponder what kinds of rooms we shall find!” Conrad gasped.

“Remember,” Noriega told the class. “Be VERY careful in there. In a house like that, almost anything is possible.”

The next day, the class was split into thirds. Maria, Conrad, Logan, Vicky, Sara, Alex, Ashley, Vito, and George were chosen as one group.

“Well, that was convenient,” PEEPEE said.

Logan, Ashley, and Alex traveled back to their dorm.

“I won’t leave until I see a cheese waterfall!” Alex assured them.

“I’ma look for an acorn,” Ashley said.

Logan and Alex looked at her blankly.

“AN ACORN OF DEEEATH!” Ashley justified.

Logan and Alex cheered.

In Conrad’s dorm, excitement was high.

“This is my chance to look for the Wish Room!” George said.

The Wish Room was used to grant any person who entered anything they desired. It was open only once every decade, proven that only 140 people entered it in the last 1,400 years, and only one person every 10 years. So far, no one from this decade had found it.

“What are you going to wish for?” Vito asked.

“To be the most viewed on Youtube,” George whispered.

“How very touching,” Conrad smiled.

“Me and Lovely are going to find a smoking’ hot hot dog to share,” Sara said to Vicky and Maria in their dorm.

“I’m going to snorkel in a liquid desert!” Maria said.

“I’ll find a relaxing spa and chill out,” Vicky said wistfully.

“Oh cool,” Maria sid.

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