Thursday, May 28, 2009

Chapter 39 - Heh heh heh...

Dante Multiplex was in love.
With a girl!
He pranced around his room, doing the happy dance, which consisted of waltzing around in a rhythmical fashion.
“Love love LOVE!” he shouted.
He took out a photograph of Maria Flakk, and started kissing it.
It had been love at first sight.
When he saw her, 3 months before, glancing around nervously, it was like magic had been floating in the air.
“Maria Flakk,” he whispered.
Judging by various actions, Maria did not return the affection. She had basically noticed him once, besides from in the basement; when she had run away from him screaming a while ago while dorms were being chosen.
But, Maria might be on to him.
The truth about the whole engine fiasco was this; he HADN’T been trying to catch a rat.
He had been hiding in her engine, waiting for her.
She and her friend Gabby just hadn’t reacted the way he originally planned/expected.
So, he had a plan to pull (or push) her into his arms.
A plan so evil and surefire that there was no way it wouldn’t work.
“Heh heh heh. . .,” Dante said mischievously.
He ended the happy dance.
There was no room for failure.

Chapter 38 - Secrets

Sara’s happiness had really been working for a while. Lovely the platypus brought joy to her life. She had a lot of great friends. She was HAPPY!
That is, until Dante came.
It was… love at first sight.
Seeing him suspended upside down, his face red with blood, drool dangling out of his mouth… it was too much.
All she could do was stare, and mumble.
“My love armadillo,” Sara giggled, hugging a picture of him sleeping upside down. (She had snuck back down to the basement that same night to take the picture.)
Lovely crawled up to her and nibbled on her fingers.
“Don’t worry, Lovely. Maybe he has an attractive platypus for you to date,” Sara said.
Lovely kerchunkled happily.
Sara had only confided her secret to Lovely, so seemed to share a mutual attraction to the Mighty Nerd God.
Sara hadn’t even told Vicky, who knew basically every detail about her life, since they met in a line to a porta-potty at age 3.
Sara picked up Lovely, and started to toss her around happily.
“We’re going to be happy, Lovely!” Sara Happysmilegirl cried. “We’re gonna be so happy, we’ll be FAMOUS for it!”
She then sat down on her bed, and enjoyed the rest of the vacation.

Chapter 37 - Unsolved Mysteries

November flashed by quickly, and soon there was only a couple of school days left before their third week-long vacation.
On the very last day before the break, the pod met in Noriega’s class.
“Hay,” Maria said.
“Guys, I think the 3 of us may have been caught and entangled in a very serious situation involving Vicky, Sara, Katie, Dante, and the Supul Orb. No one player in this complicated game truly understands the whole situation, but the longer it lasts, the more dangerous it becomes,” Logan mentioned briefly in passing.
“How so?” Conrad asked.
“Well, the events in the basement a couple weeks back still both me. I mean, come on - how WEIRD was that?”
“Words don’t describe the qurikiness of the situation,” Conrad agreed.
“continue,” Maria said.
“Um, boqay,” Logan giggled, flattered. “I think there is something dark and mysterious and strange going on here, and we’re stuck right in the middle.”
“Yeah. We still need to know why Vicky and Katie wanted the Supul Orb. Why Sara is an emotional wreck, though something tells me that’s not really important. Why Dante likes Maria,” Conrad said.
“What Clovervicky is!” Maria said.
“What’s ‘Clovervicky’?” Logan asked.
“We dk! That’s why it’s a mystery, stupids!” Maria shouted.
“We were asking where you heard of Clovervicky, STUPID!” Conrad explained.
“Vicky wrote that ‘Clovervicky is coming’ or something in a letter to her sister, Sonya,” Maria explained.
“Maria! You STOLE Vicky’s letter??” Logan cried.
“No! While Vicky was writing, I set up a rope trapeze, suspended myself stealthily over the letter, read it, crawled back, and dismantled the trapeze before she noticed,” maria said. “What, did you think I picked up the letter off the ground and read it? NO! That would be rude and unusual!”
“Hmm. Maybe Clovervicky isn’t that important. Probably something stupid from a book that Vicky read,” Logan said.
“Oh,” Conrad said.
“Thus ends the conversation, and this chapter,” Maria smiled.

Chapter 36 - The Basement

As soon as Conrad found Logan and Maria early the next day, he told them what he had heard in Sonya’s creepy apple room.
“Oh my God, wow,” Maria said.
“Sounds shifty!” Logan said.
“Maria, isn’t your locker in the basement or something?” Conrad asked.
“Um yeah I guess,” Maria said.
“Is it big enough for 3 people to crawl into and hide inside?” Conrad asked.
“I think so,” Maria giggled.
“Boqay. Let’s go try!” Logan suggested.
*One lengthy trip later*
Logan crawled into the confines of Maria’s locker.
“Ew. Maria, I found a meatball!” Logan cried.
“Oh my God that’s NOT mine!” Maria said.
“Geez, this locker is HUGE!” Logan said. He finally reached the end.
“Boqay. I’ve reached the back,” Logan said.
Conrad crawled in the locker, carefully balancing an entire china tea set on his back.
After him came Maria.
The 3 fit in comfortably.
“I think we should host our own TV show down here!” Conrad said.
“Yeah!” Maria agreed.
“Move. I’m claustrophobic and need to pee intensely,” Logan pleaded.
Maria tried to scoot out of her locker, but Ashley, who just happened to be jogging through the basement, accidentally kicked the locker shut.
“NO!” Logan screamed, causing Ashley to jump in fear and run squealing out of the basement.
“Boqay,” Conrad said. “Boqay. We will just ask the next person who comes by to set us free.”
But no one ever came.
“Hay where’s the pod?” Sara asked Alex.
“I don’t even know,” Alex said.
“I think I accidentally locked them in the basement. . .,” Ashley said nervously, but no one noticed.
Sara sat down.
Vicky tapped her shoulder.
“Hay wanna help me commit a grand theft later boqay?” Vicky asked.
“FINE!” Sara screamed.
“We’re going to steal the Supul orb,” Vicky explained.
“WHAT??” Sara shouted.
“Keep it down!” Vicky cried. “It’s for a good reason, anyway.”
“What reason?” Sara asked.
“Oh, you know,” Vicky said mysteriously.
“Ohhh,” Sara replied.
Vicky found Sara smearing her face with black mascara when she arrived at the dorm.
“Why??” Vicky asked.
“It’s to blend in with the shadows!!” Sara explained.
“Take it off,” Vicky ordered. “We’re trying to NOT attract attention!”
After Sara’s face went through a good scrubbing, the two set out of their dorm very quietly.
To save the WORLD!!
“I can’t see!”
“It’s too dark!”
“Hold my hand!”
There was an enormous crash, and then silence. Then, a voice whispered, “Sara? Sara?”
“Ssh,” Maria whispered. “It’s Vicky! She’s come!”
She tried to peer through her locker wall, until she realized she couldn’t see through solid matter.
“Curse you, physics!” Maria said.
Outside, Vicky had located Sara in the darkness.
“Thanks,” Sara sighed.
“Dante’s locker is #Google Multiplex. That’s 100 zeros,” Vicky said.
“Right here,” Sara pointed to a locker completely covered in zeros.
“Oh,” Vicky said. “Shall I pry it open with my teeth?”
With no warning, the locker flew open, revealing Dante hanging upside down inside of it, clutching the Supul Orb.
“Why hellooooooo there, looooo - wait, you’re not Maria! Funny, I thought I felt her heartbeat,” Dante said, and went to close the locker door.
“WAIT, FOOL!” Vicky shrieked. “Why are you hanging in there?!”
“This is where I sleep!” Dante said, as though it was obvious.
“Whateva. Gimme the Orb!” Vicky demanded.
“What?” Dante asked sleepily.
“Orb, please,” Vicky repeated.
“What about it?” Dante asked.
“Dante’s funny,” Sara giggled.
“Give me one good reason I should give you this orb,” Dante challenged Vicky.
“Umm. . . Maybe later,” Vicky said.
“Why?” Dante asked.
“Hay, Dante,” Sara waved.
“Hay,” Dante said.
Just then, someone else entered the basement. Vicky, Sara, and Dante screamed.
“What is going on our there?” Conrad whispered.
“Idk physics?” Maria said.
“Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuunger,” Logan moaned, clawing at the wall.
Vito screamed when he saw everyone screaming.
“Oh hay guys I just came down here to get my satchel.”
Vito grabbed his bag and left.
“Boqay, anyway - “
The wall behind them collapsed. A figure stepped into sight, cackling evilly.
The dust died down, revealing Katie, the stupid mean girl who blocked Vicky’s locker oftenly.
“KATIE?” Vicky cried.
Katie gasped.
“I did know there was a staircase, and I wasn’t after the Supul Orb!” Katie gasped.
“Oh,” Dante replied.
“This is WEIRD!” Sara screamed. “Can we start over??”
“Why are you HERE?” Vicky asked Katie.
“I JUST said!” Katie exclaimed.
“Why does Vicky want the Orb?” Dante asked.
“I collect enchanted artifacts,” Vicky replied nervously.
Just then, a locker burst open. Maria, Conrad, and Logan jumped out.
“FREEZE, orb thief Vicky!” Conrad screamed.
“How long were you IN THERE??” Katie gasped.
“Not important!” Maria said.
“We know what Vicky is up to!” Logan cried. “NOBODY MOVE!”
“Boqay. What AM I up to?” Vicky asked.
“Um stealing the Orb I think,” Maria answered.
“Well duh,” Vicky said.
“I wanna know what SHE is doing here,” Dante said, pointing at Katie. “Who is she, first of all??”
“Uhh. . . My name is Katie, and I like to dig,” Katie said.
“Get real!” Dante demanded.
“FINE! I heard that the Supul orb was kept down here, and when I get Supul, peanuts shoot out of my head, and I never wanted that to happen again because its embarrassing. HAPPY??” Katie explained.
“Yes,” Maria said.
“May we leave?” Conrad asked.
“No!” Dante cried. “What occurred tonight must never be repeated.”
“Why?” Vicky asked.
“Because I am supposed to protect this Orb, and this publicity may be bad for it,” Dante replied.
“Whateva,” Logan said.
There was a moment of silence. One by one, they left. Dante closed his locker, and counted sheep.

Chapter 35 - Maria's Engine Friend

Maria woke up early on Monday morning so she could go to school.
“Ugh ew oh my God I hate school ew but I love college,” Maria said.
After getting ready, Maria left a note for Gabby and went outside to her airplane.
The engine wouldn’t start.
“Oh my @#$! God,” Maria groaned. “A perfect start to the perfect day.”
She got out of her plane, and went to the engine. She knew her plane inside and out, and it was never broken for long.
She lifted up the hood.
And gasped, stifling a scream.
“Why hellooooo there, loooooooooooooover,” Dante smirked, flicking his hair ever so slowly.
Maria screamed and stumbled back, barely holding back vomit.
“OH MY GOD EW SECURITY EW 911!” Maria screamed.
Dante crawled out of the engine, advancing towards her.
“Wanna kiss?” he asked.
“Shh,” Dante whispered, gently putting a finger to her lips. She spat on it before he could.
Maria kicked out. Dante fell backwards, clutching his injured (and possibly shattered) shin.
Gabby, awoken by the battle cries, ran outside.
She kicked Dante furiously.
“Oh hay Gabby,” Maria said.
“Who’s he?” Gabby asked.
“Dante. I’m his obsession. Apparently, now he stalks me,” Maria explained, kicking him again.
Dante got up and stumbled over to them. Gabby pulled out a kitchen knife.
Maria took off racing down the street, screaming. She grabbed her bike, and began to speed away.
Before she knew it, Maria was knocked off her bike. Dante was hovering over her.
Gabby jumped on his back, tackling him to the ground. Maria took off running again, panting heavily.
She crashed into Kristen Kripple, yanked her out of her wheelchair, flung her to the ground, sat down, realized that the wheelchair didn’t really make her go any faster, got up, and ran away again.
Maria stopped running. Dante and Gabby caught up to her.
“Oh,” Maria said. “Well, how do you know where I live???”
“Um Google Earth. I hacked it, and made it show everyone’s address,” Dante explained.
“Ew computer nerd,” Gabby said, kicked him in the shin, and left.
“You didn’t have to stalk me, fool,” Maria said.
“I know. I just wanted to ask you to the movies, but then I saw a rat in your engine, and I was trying to catch it, and my sleeve got caught, and I spent my vacation in the engine,” Dante said.
“Goodness!” Maria exclaimed. “That explains why you smell so bad!”
“Yeah. I’m starving. Can I come into your house and - “
“No,” Maria said.
She got in her plane and flew away.

Chapter 34 - The Apple Room

Conrad had barely managed to claw a hole through the wall.
He found himself surrounded by apples. Photographs of apples were plastered on the floor and ceiling, while actual apples were stapled to the wall.
“This must be someone else’s room. Vicky HATES apples!” Conrad thought.
He pressed his ear to the door. Vicky’s voice could be heard speaking to Sonya.
“Oh my God I feel like such a creeper,” Conrad thought.
“My plan is to sneak into the basement on Monday night and steal the Orb. I shall be INVINCIBLE!” Conrad heard Vicky scream.
Conrad gasped. Was Vicky evil??
“I can’t believe it…,” Sonya’s voice could be heard. “First you betray Sara, and now this…”
“I did NOT betray Sara! I simply wish she would ease off a little bit. Anyway, she’s not as annoying the pod. Did I TELL you about how they tried to get me to board a train??”
Conrad gasped.
“WHY DO YOU HATE THE POD??” he cried out.
He gasped again, covering his mouth.
“EW! CREEPER IN MY ROOM!” Sonya’s voice screamed.
Conrad jumped up. He accidentally crashed into the wall, sending apples falling and pelting his head. He screamed, falling backwards.
“GO PROTECT MY APPLES!” Sonya screamed.
“NO WAY! I AIN’T GOIN IN THERE!” Vicky screamed.
There was a slapping sound. Conrad covered his mouth as both of the girls started wrestling, just outside of the room he was in!
He began crawling through the hole in the wall. He quickly pulled the chunk of wall he had carved out back into place.
“Hopefully she won’t notice that,” Conrad said.
He then rapidly crawled away.
“I can’t believe this. Actually, I don’t even know what it means. Is Vicky evil? Why does she want the Orb?” Conrad thought.
Only one way to find out, Conrad decided.
He arrived back home.
“How was your walk?” Freckles asked.
Conrad didn’t reply.

Chapter 33 - Apple Grove

“I’ma go for a walk, boqay?” Conrad asked Freckles, who was on the couch, plotting murder.
“Whateva,” Freckles said.
Conrad crawled up the tunnel, sipping tea.
As he walked, he decided to find a path he had never seen before and follow it to wherever it would lead.
He found a street he had never noticed before, named ‘Apple Grove’.
“Well boqay,” he said, and walked down it.
The street led down to a cul-de-sac at the end. There were 3 houses, the one in the middle Vicky’s face red that said ‘The Apple Residence’ on its decorative mailbox.
“Cool! Vicky!” Conrad said.
Just as he was about to turn around and leave, Vicky and a younger girl who was taller than her came into sight walking down the street.
“Oh hay Vick,” Conrad said.
Vicky either didn’t hear him, or just pretended not to notice, because she just kept walking and talking to the other girl (who is Sonya if any of u poops didn’t figure that out).
“… yes! It’s somewhere in Supul Academy!” Conrad heard Vicky exclaim to Sonya excitedly.
“Yoh jokin’!” Sonya gasped.
“Nope. This Multiplex kid owns it. He told me he likes to keep it somewhere in the basements at night. If I can find the Orb, then Clov - “
Conrad couldn’t hear whatever Vicky was going to say, because the two had entered their house and shut the door behind them.
Conrad took a deep breath.
He had a choice to make.
“One, I can become a temp. stalker for 5 minutes and learn what they are talking bout. Two, I can leave right now and forever be haunted by the overwhelming curiosity of what the two are discussing.”
He bit his lip.
Putting his china tea cup into their mail box for safe-keeping, he rushed behind their house.

Chapter 32 - Alexis Grace and the Birds

It was now the end of October. The second vacation of the school year was upon them.
This time, Alexis Grace was actually home and able-bodied.
The hair straightner alighted down in the driveway. Logan, Lukas, and Shanaynay slid off the side of it, to see Alexis Grace huddled in a bush next to them, quietly sobbing.
She looked up.
“Good. Children. THE BIRDS will much prefer your fresher nectar,” Alexis Grace sighed in relief.
“Huh?” Shanaynay asked.
Alexis Grace grabbed Shanaynay by the collar, and pulled her close to her face.
“They. Want. My. Nectar,” Alexis Grace whispered.
Logan looked around.
Hummingbirds completely covered the trees in their yard. There must have been at least one thousand overpopulated in their yard.
The 3 kids looked at each other. They grabbed Alexis Grace, and, with no warning, took off sprinting towards the door. Hummingbirds flew after them, dangerously close.
“FLY, KIDS, FLYYYYY!” Alexis Grace screamed. She threw them on top of the roof of their house. They could see nothing except hummingbirds soaring around.
“Is she safe?” Shanaynay whispered.
There was complete silence.
With no warning, Alexis Grace burst into sight, wings spread out wide, and absolutely no hummingbird injuries.
She swooped around, making a complete loop, grabbing them along the way. She then flew down the chimneys.
“Make sure the doors are locked!” LOgan gasped.
They barely slammed the door shut. They could hear the birds banging on the other side of the door.
“Well thanks, kids,” Alexis Grace said happily. “Now I’ma go to Jolene’s house. Order some Chinese.”
“NO! WAIT!” Lukas cried.
Alexis Grace pulled on her jacket and stepped outside.
Logan, Lukas, and Shanaynay covered each other’s eyes.
“Mmm. Some good egg rolls,” Lukas said, using a hair straightner as silverware.
Shanaynay nodded.
There was silence.
“Hay do you guys know what the Supul orb is?” Logan asked.
“Yep, yep,” Shanaynay nodded.
“Oh,” Logan said.
Alexis Grace walked back in.
She had no pants.
“Turns out my underpants reminded them of their mother,” she said.
She took an egg roll and left.

Chapter 31 - The Supul Orb

Vicky stared ahead in shock.
Dante was holding it!
The Supul orb, when held by one with a Supul power, instantly absorbed all traces of Supul within a mile radius.
It was supposedly missing for the past 9, 710, 376, 772 years, but now, apparently Dante Multiplex carried it around in his pocket.
After the room was drained of all Supul and everyone was reverted back to their human form, Vicky burst free of the cabinet and hurried over to Dante.
“Um Dante 2 questions one what are you doing here two how did you get the Supul orb??” Vicky demanded.
“I will answer later but now I am hungry,” Dante replied, and left.
Vicky blinked.
Everyone was fine, though once again hospitalized. Thus, the next day, Maria, Logan, Conrad, Vicky, and Sara were the only ones who showed up to class.
“Boqay you can do whatever the crap you want I’ma go bush my tongue,” Noriega said and left.
The 5 sat thee silently for around 20 minutes. Vicky got up and left without any explanation. Everyone else followed.
“I’m looking for Dante,” Vicky explained half an hour later.
“Oh, why didn’t you just say so?” Maria asked, stepping aside and revealing Dante crouched behind her.
“I was just leaving,” Dante said quickly, his face turning red.
“Whateva. Dante, how you got tat orb o’ Supul?” Vicky asked.
“I like Maria,” Dante giggled, reaching out to pet her head. She ducked out of the way.
“ANSWER!” Vicky demanded.
“Vicky, why do you care so much?” Logan asked.
“I just do, qay??” Vicky cried.
“I got it because it’s my own family heirloom from the beginning of time. We just didn’t mention it for almost a trillion years,” Dante explained.
“Didn’t. . . so, wait! Your ancestor ended the Supul War of 9 billion BC!” Vicky gasped.
“Um yeah sure,” Dante said.
“Vicky, why do you care so much?” Conrad asked.
“Ask one more time,” Vicky growled,” and I’ll KILL you.”
“Vicky, why do you - “ Sara began. Vicky lunged at her, claws extended.
“I was just gonna say ‘always have a ponytail’!” Sara gasped.
Vicky backed off.
Everyone was silent.
“Is the interview over?” Dante asked.
“ONE MORE THING!” Vicky screamed.
“OK. . .?” Dante said.
“Um do you keep the orb under extreme protection and surveillance at night or do you just keep it on your night stand?” Vicky asked.
“Umm I keep it in my locker at the basement, which has a combination so complicated no one will ever figure it out,” Dante replied.
“Hmm. . .,” Vicky thought.
“Over?” Dante asked.
“Boqay then. If you will just leave me and Maria alone. . .,” Dante said.
“EW OH MY GOD NO!” Maria screamed.

Chapter 30 - Vrat

The pounding grew.
The entire room shook from the noise. Everyone turned to look stupidly.
Maria, Conrad, and Logan got up to run away. Just as they ran, the Supul pod a sploded, and a giant rat pranced out, hissing angrily.
“What is that??” Conrad cried.
A pool of pee appeared beneath it. The pod gasped.
“I think its Vito, in a giant rat form1” Maria gasped.
“A. . . VRAT!” Logan gasped.
Vito picked up a computer and ate it.
Meanwhile, the Supul gas from the Supul pod seeped out into the room. Students throughout the whole room gasped and morphed into their Supul forms.
“In there!” Logan screamed. He pointed to a cabinet. The pod jumped in, along with Vicky and Sara randomly.
Vicky slammed the cabinet shut.
The 5 peaked out of a crack in the wall. Vito was chewing on Alex’s pants, while Ashley, now a 20 foot tall scorpion, stung at George’s 500 pound flab.
“This is a nightmare,” Vicky whispered.
“Go out there and check what’s going on!” Conrad whispered.
“OK fine I will ok jeesh shut up I’m going ew,” Maria snapped and left.
“I was talking to Sara, but boqay,” Conrad said.
Maria walked through the room silently, somewhat bored.
Maria threw herself to the floor. Kristen Kripple, as a winged weelchair, soared away through the window.
She got back up. Alex, as a giant bacon scarecrow, bounced around giggling.
Maria felt the Supul kicking in. She had a sudden craving to ride an airplane.
“Hi Maria,” Maria’s hand said.
“Oh hay,” Maria answered.
Suddenly, Maria was tackled to the ground. She looked up to see Vrat on top of her.
“Oh hi,” Maria said. “O my God ew do you wanna please wanna stop drooling on me?”
Vrat lifted up its head and opened its mouth, revealing sharp dagger teeth.
“Put those away, @#$!” Maria cried.
Vrat lunged.
Maria screamed, and blocked her head with her arms, waiting for Vrat to bite.
But he never did.
Maria cracked open her eyes.
Dante Multiplex, the nerd who had gone missing from Maria’s life over a month back, was standing over her, holding Vrat over his head.
She gasped.
Dante winked at her.
“I am SO attractive,” she grinned, slime oozing.
The pulled out a strange orb, which was crackling with static electricity. All of the Supul gas in the room was drawn towards it. The students returned back to their normal states, somewhat surprised. The entire room was turned back to normal.
But Maria didn’t see any of that.
She had fainted a couple minutes ago.

Chapter 29 - Supul Closet

Turns out the entire trip took about 3 hours, 2 and a half of which was spent flying through the sky as a human boomerang. They arrived back before 8.
“Boqay. PEEPEE will reassemble the next time Ashley is in mortal danger, probs around next week. For now, disband!” Conrad ordered.
Everyone went to bed.
The next day, Maria, Logan, and Conrad met up in science as the pod.
“It’s our turn to study the concentrated Supul up close,” Logan said.
“Joy!” Maria said happily.
The pod walked up to the closet, taking careful notes.
“Umm OK ew oh my God note how you can see the Supul gases curling around like a squid,” Maria observed.
“Very scientifically proficient, Maria!” Conrad said. “A for effort.”
“Thanks,” Maria said.
The pod took notes.
Vito walked up to them, squirming.
“Hay guys I really need to pee and I don’t think I’ll make it to the bathroom so - “
Vito was interrupted by Professor Noriega.
“Excuse me, children. I need to enter the Supul pod for second. I believe I dropped my milkshake in there,” Noriega said, dressed in an anti-Supul suit. “Please steer clear.”
Noriega opened the door, entered, and shut the door behind him.
“So wait what were you saying about urine?” Maria asked Vito.
Vito was now squirming on the floor.
“Fight the pee, FIGHT IT!” he whispered.
Noriega opened the closet, just as Darren walked by.
“Get out out out of my way, freak,” Darren growled to Vito, and kicked him away.
Vito rolled towards the Supul pod and slipped inside just as Noriega shut the door and walked away.
Maria, Logan, and Conrad stared ahead in shock.
“Uh - OK,” Logan whispered.
“Class, assemble!” Noriega clapped 3 times.
“Um. Mr. Noriega!” Conrad called. Behind him, there was a pounding from inside the Supul pod.
“SHUTUP!” Darren cried. He touched Conrad, which instantly made him shut up, as Darren’s Supul power was to make people go quiet.
“MR. NORIEGA!” Logan cried.
Logan and Conrad looked to Maria desperately.
“Nope. Not doin’ it,” Maria said.
The pounding from the Supul pod got louder.
Maria, Logan, and Conrad shared a very special look.

Chapter 28 - Escape With Me!

The witch lady rushed down to the basement, brandishing a long, rusted butcher knife.
“So, who’s it gonna be?” she hissed. Her eyes were randomly red, instead of the usual puce, and Conrad just figured she put on contacts to seem more cool.
“MOM!” Ashley cried. “Give us more time!!”
“MOM?!?!” everyone screamed.
“This LADY is your mother?” Conrad screamed.
“Huh? Oh wait no never mind,” Ashley answered.
“Hullo??!” the witch lady snapped. “I gave you 20 full seconds! Just choose the biggest idiot and give ‘em to me!”
“NO!” Conrad screamed. “We will NOT give in!”
He pulled off his shoe and threw it at the witch lady’s head. She let out a terrible scream, and toppled backwards, unconscious. The knife went flying, and stuck in the wall an inch away from Vicky’s ponytail. Contact solution rolled out of the witch lady’s pocket, confirming Conrad’s suspicions.
Everyone turned to Conrad.
“I keep several cement blocks in each show to support my ankles,” he explained.
“Now how do we get out of here??” Alex asked.
Arm muscles rippling, Ashley yanked her chain off the wall, standing up victoriously.
“Why didn’t you do that in the FIRST PLACE???” Logan demanded.
“I forgot I had arms!” Ashley explained.
After being yanked free, PEEPEE ran up the stairs, and out of the hut.
Conrad was last in the incredibly long line.
“W-wait…,” a voice groaned.
Conrad turned around.
Kyle Joy was sitting there, chained to the wall.
“Please help me… the witch lady isn’t going to kill me, but she makes me churn do much butter…,” he moaned.
Conrad said nothing, just As Kyle Joy always did when Conrad tried to talk to him. He then smiled, turned around, and ran away.

Chapter 27 - Witch Lady

Boqay so we just like. . . Walk in?” Maria asked.
“Um yeah,” Conrad answered.
They went to the porch, where a rope trap was clearly set up , seeing as it covered the entire porch like a thick carpet, ropes ready to be pulled to tighten the carpet the second PEEPEE stepped on it hung everywhere, and the witch lady huddled a couple feet away.
“What? Do you think we wouldn’t notice that?!?!?!” Logan snapped at the witch, who cringed back.
She stood up, swearing.
“Fine! You outsmarted me THIS time. But that doesn’t mean I’m going to give back you’re bulky friend! HA!” the witch lady snapped.
“Why not??” Vicky demanded.
“Cuz she has the magical touch when it comes to butter churning!” the witch lady explained.
“Whatever!” Alex shouted.
She spun around dramatically, throwing her arms up. PEEPEE stepped back a couple inches in surprise.
She stopped spinning, facing them.
“You have convinced me,” she whispered with passion. “I will give back my precious she-churner. Follow me.”
Well, that had worked out well.
PEEPEE followed the witch lady onto the porch. With no warning, the witch burst into a dramatic prance, reaching one of the dangling ropes.
The net underneath them flew up, capturing PEEPEE.
“BWA! I HAVE EMERGED AS THE ULTIMATE VICTOR!” the witch lady screamed.
The next thing anyone knew, they were in complete darkness. A light flickered on, revealing they were chained to a series of pipes in a damp dungeon, with a very frail Ashley next to them.
The witch lady hurried down the steps, as though she was late for a curfew.
“Welcome,” she whispered, throwing her arms wide around her,” to my basement.”
“How did we get here??” Sara asked.
“I used a spell to transport you,” the witch lady replied.
“Why didn’t you just do that in the first place??” Vito demanded.
A microwave in the distance went off, and the witch lady hurried away, holding her skirt so it wouldn’t fall off.
She slammed the door shut.
Everyone turned to Ashley.
“I told you not to come,” Ashley whispered.
“Huh??” George asked.
“No you didn’t!” Logan said.
“Oh. Oh yeah,” Ashley giggled.
There was a long moment of silence.
“Um where do we pee?” Vicky asked.
“I like to aim for that pole,” Ashley nodded to a pole Maria was chained to.
Maria’s eyes grew wide.
The witch lady rushed back down, panting with effort.
“Oh yeah I forgot to say that I’m going to let 8 of you run free in a couple of minutes,” she said.
“What happens to the ninth?” Alex asked.
“I stab them to death and eat them,” the witch lady replied, and left again.
“Soo. . . What’s your favorite Pokemon?” Alex asked.
“Never mind that! We need to pick who’s gonna stay back and be stabbed!” Sara cried.
“I pick George,” Maria said instantly.
“HELP!” George cried.
“NO! NOBODY HELP HIM!” Maria shouted.
“I pick Vicky, cuz she’s the only one besides from the weakened Ashley who stands a fighting chance against the witch,” Logan voted.
“Not Lovely!” Sara gasped. “I choose Alex!”
“Well, I choose Conrad!”
“I choose Vito!”
“I choose Lovely!”
Everyone was now trying to kick each other to death.
“WAIT!” Maria screamed. “I know a way we humans and Lovely can ALL survive!”
Everyone turned to her.
“We sacrifice Vito’s rat-thing Jerry!”
“NOOO!” Vito shouted. Jerry crawled out of his hair. “He is NOT a rat! He’s a koala!”
Jerry brushed aside his gorgeous hair, revealing a beautiful koala.
“Man, we can’t kill a koala. . .,” Maria snapped, disappointed.
“Boqay! It’s time!” the witch lady called.

Chapter 26 - Among the Hobos

After the entire boomerang incident, there were still around 17 surviving hobos.
“Yep. The train engineer knows we live here. When we leave for our Nightly Kitten Walks, we’ll hide you in the middle of our litter!” a hobo planned.
“Um excuse me,” Maria said.
The hobos turned to her.
“Um yes what is a Nightly Kitten Walk?” she asked.
“It’s when we dress up as a cat of the opposite gender and strut our stuff!” a hobo explained.
“YES!” Logan cried, earning 7 strange gazes. “With the power of feline cross dressing, we’ll be unstoppable!”
“Victory is neigh!” Conrad said.
After changing into their respectively gendered kitten costume, PEEPEE set out in the very middle of the littler.
“Meow,” the hobos whispered at random intervals. “Meow. Meow.”
They crawled deep into the dark trees.
“Boqay,” Alex said, waving his tail in a sassy fashion,” do any of you smelly, homeless men who are trashy know where the witch lady lives.?”
“Meow. Meow meow,” a hobo purred.
PEEPEE laughed uncertainly.
“Heh heh… Yeah. But really, do you know where she lives?”
“Um…,” a hobo thought,” meow.”
“Ok this is getting annoying,” Vicky hissed.
“HAY!” George demanded, batting a hobo’s head with his paw. “Speak!”
The hobo hissed. George spat.
“Let’s get out of here, please,” Sara said.
PEEPEE left the litter. The hobo cats continued on their walk as if nothing strange had happened.
“We’re lost in the middle of the woods, looking like cats!” Vito growled, watching the receding hobos.
“Um I think I found the witch lady’s humble abode,” Logan said.
They were several feel away from a gigantic hut that looked like it was about to collapse into splinters at any second, with a mailbox that read ‘Witchy Poo Residence’ on the side.

Chapter 25 - Get on the PEEPEE Train!

Logan arrived back in the dorm. Alex was alone, snuggling Berna closely and quietly crying.
“I WASN’T MOURNING ASHLEY!” Alex screamed upon seeing Logan standing there, throwing Berna into the trash can and jumping up.
“Guess what,” Logan said. “Ashley’s not coming back. None of the teachers even like her!”
“WHAT? NOO!” Alex wailed. “This is all my fault! We can’t let her get eaten by an evil witch lady. THE GUILT IS TOO STRONG!”
He grabbed Logan, shaking him violently.
“It’s boqay!” Logan said. “Conrad has a plan!”
Conrad was organizing a meeting. Maria, Logan, and Alex entered the room, joining him, George, and Vito.
Conrad stepped up to the podium, clearing his throat.
“Excuse me,” he said into a microphone. “May I have everyone’s attention?”
The small audience quieted down.
“I don’t need to explain the reason for this meeting. All of us are here as proud members of the newly-founded Proud Enchanted Egrets Protecting Every EvictedAshley, or PEEPEE for short,” he spoke.
“Umm,” Vito raised his hand. Conrad called on him. “I don’t see any egrets here.”
“Yeah well I do!” Conrad snapped.
There was a short pause in the conversation.
“We should think of something better,” George said.
“Impossible!” Conrad cried.
“How about Witch Lady Nemeses?” Alex asked.
“Farm Girl Rescue Squad??” Logan asked.
“Ashley Avengers!” Maria offered.
“QUIET!” Conrad screamed. “I did not come here to be interviewed. I came here to collect troops for PEEPEE. Is everyone in?”
Conrad passed out the permanent PEEPEE people pamphlet of purple perfection. Maria, Logan, Alex, George, and Vito all signed under Conrad’s name.
“Hmm. We need more troops,” George said.
“Maria, go see if Vicky and Sara want to join,” Logan said.
“Ew boqay fine whatever ok??” Maria left.
Both Vicky and Sara were in the dorm when Maria arrived.
“Hey wanna PEEPEE?” Maria asked.
Vicky instantly replied ‘most definitely!’ at the same time Sara screamed ‘WHAT??’
“Umm whatever do you want to save Ashley by joining a very dangerous group of soldiers or what yes or no,” Maria said.
“Sure,” Sara said.
“OK,” Vicky replied.
“Boqay,” Maria said, and led the way to the meeting room.
“I got 17 more troops,” Maria said, entering the room with Sara, Vicky, and 15 others behind her. “I put on an alluring perfume to attract the others.”
“We don’t need them. SHOO. OUT,” Conrad demanded.
They left silently.
“You know they never did talk or say anything,” Maria recalled.
“Subject change do we have our PEEPEE?” Logan asked.
Everyone nodded. Vicky and Sara signed the paper.
“Very good,” Conrad approved. “PEEPEE, ASSEMBLE!”

Chapter 24 - Troops

Logan arrived back in the dorm. Alex was alone, snuggling Berna closely and quietly crying.
“I WASN’T MOURNING ASHLEY!” Alex screamed upon seeing Logan standing there, throwing Berna into the trash can and jumping up.
“Guess what,” Logan said. “Ashley’s not coming back. None of the teachers even like her!”
“WHAT? NOO!” Alex wailed. “This is all my fault! We can’t let her get eaten by an evil witch lady. THE GUILT IS TOO STRONG!”
He grabbed Logan, shaking him violently.
“It’s boqay!” Logan said. “Conrad has a plan!”
Conrad was organizing a meeting. Maria, Logan, and Alex entered the room, joining him, George, and Vito.
Conrad stepped up to the podium, clearing his throat.
“Excuse me,” he said into a microphone. “May I have everyone’s attention?”
The small audience quieted down.
“I don’t need to explain the reason for this meeting. All of us are here as proud members of the newly-founded Proud Enchanted Egrets Protecting Every EvictedAshley, or PEEPEE for short,” he spoke.
“Umm,” Vito raised his hand. Conrad called on him. “I don’t see any egrets here.”
“Yeah well I do!” Conrad snapped.
There was a short pause in the conversation.
“We should think of something better,” George said.
“Impossible!” Conrad cried.
“How about Witch Lady Nemeses?” Alex asked.
“Farm Girl Rescue Squad??” Logan asked.
“Ashley Avengers!” Maria offered.
“QUIET!” Conrad screamed. “I did not come here to be interviewed. I came here to collect troops for PEEPEE. Is everyone in?”
Conrad passed out the permanent PEEPEE people pamphlet of purple perfection. Maria, Logan, Alex, George, and Vito all signed under Conrad’s name.
“Hmm. We need more troops,” George said.
“Maria, go see if Vicky and Sara want to join,” Logan said.
“Ew boqay fine whatever ok??” Maria left.
Both Vicky and Sara were in the dorm when Maria arrived.
“Hey wanna PEEPEE?” Maria asked.
Vicky instantly replied ‘most definitely!’ at the same time Sara screamed ‘WHAT??’
“Umm whatever do you want to save Ashley by joining a very dangerous group of soldiers or what yes or no,” Maria said.
“Sure,” Sara said.
“OK,” Vicky replied.
“Boqay,” Maria said, and led the way to the meeting room.
“I got 17 more troops,” Maria said, entering the room with Sara, Vicky, and 15 others behind her. “I put on an alluring perfume to attract the others.”
“We don’t need them. SHOO. OUT,” Conrad demanded.
They left silently.
“You know they never did talk or say anything,” Maria recalled.
“Subject change do we have our PEEPEE?” Logan asked.
Everyone nodded. Vicky and Sara signed the paper.
“Very good,” Conrad approved. “PEEPEE, ASSEMBLE!”

Chapter 23 - An Academy Drill

The Pod were now best friends J
Maria, Logan, and Conrad basically spent every second together. Lunch. Homework. SHOPPING! CLOTHES!
Best friends J
There was only one weird thing, though.
Ashley never came back from the bathroom from a week ago.
It was halfway through next week when Alex and George walked up to them.
“Hay can you guys ummm. . . Help?” Alex asked.
“Why?” Maria asked.
“Cuz Ashley’s still in the bathroom, and me and Alex can’t stop fighting!” George said, poking Alex in the bladder.
“Ashley’s STILL not back?? Whoa she beat my record,” Maria said.
“Go tell Noriega,” Logan said.
“He doesn’t care!” Alex spat on the floor.
“He just suggested the possibility of constipation, and ate a banana!” George cried.
“Maria go find her,” Conrad said.
“Nope. Not findin’ it,” Maria instantly replied.
“Please. You’re our only hope,” Alex whispered.
“Fine whatever ew oh my God calm down geesh I’ll go oh my God shut up I’ll do it fine,” Maria got up and walked to the girl’s bathroom.
She passed the boiling pot of tea in her favorite sink.
“Ashley hello where are you crapping?” Maria called.
No answer.
A creepy filling suddenly replaced the digesting pancakes in Maria’s stomach. She felt someone else’s presence in the bathroom.
There was a muffled sound coming from the other side of the room.
(Camera view from over head. Maria carefully crosses the bathroom floor).
“Hello?” Maria called tentatively, a little quieter.
She started to walk towards the noise, slowly. It was coming from the very last stall.
She stopped right outside it.
“Gee I guess no one is in here I better leaveSURPRISE ATACK!!!!!”
Maria threw open the stall door, and screamed.
Inside was Ashley, arms bound behind her back, her mouth gagged. Berna squealed from the top of her head.
Holding her tightly was a crazed old woman with white hair and huge, thick glasses.
Her eyes were red like APPLES.
“Talk,” the witch lady spoke, pointing a fake plastic glowing scepter at Maria’s throat,” and I’ll turn you into a COCKROACH!”
Maria didn’t talk.
She pulled the fire alarm that had been conveniently installed in the girl’s bathroom around half an hour ago.
The alarm went off around the school. Noriega instantly stopped vlogging about Simon Cowell.
“Boqay, everyone. Stop sitting there like rabbits and GO!” he demanded.
All of the students quickly jumped out of the windows, except for Kristen and several of her terrified passengers.
Noriega hurried to the bathroom to get Maria and Ashley.
“GIRLS STOP POOPING AND HURRY SOME PEOPLE AREN’T LIKIN’ IT!” he began, racing into the bathroom.
He saw the with lady holding Maria and Ashley, cackling like a school girl.
“Oops wrong room!” he cried, and ran away.
The witch lady turned to face Maria.
“I’ll leave you here,” she offered,” for 30 cents!!”
Maria coughed up 3 dimes that she kept in the back of her throat in case of witch lady attacks.
“Excellent,” the witch lady said, and tossed Maria upside down into the toilet. “I’ll be in my swamp if you want to hang out with me later.”
With that, the witch lady shouted ‘TAKE ME TO THE SWAMP, MAGIC!’ and disappeared in a puff of smoke with the wailing farm girl with her.
Noriega took roll.
“Kripple, Runescape, Ieatpeople, Muhdde, Rodent, Grace, Teatea. We’re missing Flakk and Muscles.”
Conrad and Logan looked around. Maria was running up to them, drenched in lemonade.
“Did you fall in the tea pot or something??” Logan asked.
“I WISH1” Maria said, and hurried over to Noriega.
“Ashley was kidnapped by an evil with lady while taking a peepee in the she-bathroom!” Maria said.
Logan and Conrad walked up to them. Noriega remained motionless.
“Aren’t you going to do anything???” Conrad asked.
“I don’t. . . think so,” Noriega answered, scratching his head.
“What?” Logan asked intensely.
“Must I repeat the situation??” Maria asked.
“Unnecessary. The reason I’m not doing anything is because some people aren’t likin’ Ashley. Namely, me and Alex. She beat me up yesterday,” Noriega explained.
“So you’re not gonna do ANYTHING??” Conrad demanded.
Noriega laughed evilly, and ate a banana.

Chapter 22 - The pod

Noriega’s class was very eventful that day.
The first thing they found out was that Kyle had been kidnapped by an evil witch.
For some reasons, as soon as Noriega announced that, Logan straightened up in his desk, Alex went pale, and Ashley politely excused herself to the bathroom.
“Ashley, are some people not likin’ you - “ Noriega began.
“Bathroom,” Ashley choked out, clearly nervous, and hurried away.
The second announcement was that Noriega had a tiny closet installed in the room, and that no one was to touch it.
“In the closet,” Noriega said,” is pure concentrated Supul. If any one of you students go in, you will be thrown into a state of Supul so violent that there is almost no chance of SURVIVIAL. we will be studying it very closely and carefully over the next few weeks.”
“Boqay,” Conrad nodded.
“And last,” Noriega continued, “I have split you all into groups of 3 to study the Supul. Kristen Kripple, Craig Runescape, and Vito Rodent, over here. George Ieatpeople, Alex Muhdde, and Ashley Muscles will be group 2. Maria Flakk, Logan Grace, and Conrad Teatea will be the third.”
Maria, Logan, and Conrad all looked at each other at the same time and cracked up.
“GET TO WORK!” Noriega screamed.
Maria, Logan, and Conrad scooted their desks together.
“Wow, irony,” Logan said.
Maria looked over to the pod, where the Supul was kept.
“What should our group name be?” she asked.
“Well, we’ve basically become a dancing team. . . Let’s be the Flowful Groovers!” Conrad said.
“No, let’s be the Pod!” Logan said.
“Yes!” Maria laughed.
Conrad smiled, and wrote ‘Maria, Logan, and Conrad - the Pod’ on his paper.

Chapter 21 - A Somewhat Strange Return

The nights after the nightly ritual were some of the best of Logan’s life.
However, most of the vacation was spent anticipating the nightly rituals, and soon the vacation was over.
“NOOOO!” Logan screamed, collapsing.
“Boqay,” Maria said.
The next Monday morning was some kind of ugly.
“WAKE!” Freckles demanded, banging 2 pots together an inch from Maria’s face.
Everyone bolted out of their moldy sleeping bags.
“Wait!” Conrad groaned sleepily. “time, please?”
Maria checked her phone. “Um… 8 haha.”
“Oh. So the giant mother-cat wakes us up half an hour after we were supposed to be at school!” Shanaynay said.
“NO!” Lukas screamed. “My hair needs STRAIGHTENING!”
28 minutes later, Maria’s airplane, the giant hair straightene r, and the Gagabot came in for a landing.
“Move move move!” Conrad cried. The 5 hustled across the parking lot, and made it inside the school just as the bell rang.
In a second, Lukas and Shanaynay were going, off to marvel at Gubgub Naynay.
Maria, Logan, and Conrad reached a crossroad to their dorms.
“Umm… see you in science,” Logan said.
They left.
Logan arrived in the dorm just in time to see Ashley throttling Alex to death.
“NO!” Logan cried, throwing his binder at Ashley. “BAD!”
Ashley dropped a purple Alex to the floor. He gasped for breath.
“But he told this crazy old witch lady that I called her a ‘fungus-like pile of fart’, and then gave her my full name, age, address, phone, and social security number!” Ashley whined.
Alex scrambled off the ground.
“Yeah! Well, she called me useless!” Alex cried.
Logan paused.
“Boqay. May I ask - “
“NO TIME!” Alex screamed. “Just save me - AHHH!”
Ashley lifted him up into the air again, opened her mouth, and slowly started to lower him.
“DROP HIM!” Logan demanded. “NO EAT!”
Ashley sighed impatiently.
“Can I at least feed him to Berna?” Ashley asked, pulling her baby pig out of her pocket.
“Come on, Ash. You’re better than that,” Logan said.
“UGH! Fine,” Ashley gave in.
She set a trembling Alex on the ground, and tidied his hair.
“you… Look… beautiful,” she breathed.
[The following events were either too unethical or awkward to recount in this novel].

Sunday, May 17, 2009

The REAL Chapter 19

OOPS sorry I just posted Chapter 18 twice!!

Conrad met up with Maria, Logan, Lukas, and Shanaynay outside of the academy.
“Boqay. Looks like everyone is here,” Conrad said.
“We’ll ride my hair straightened,” Lukas said.
“No! Not ridin’ it. I need to take my plane, anyway,” Maria said.
“Kay. I’ll ride my Gagabot,” Conrad said.
Turns out that the Gagabot was functional. It sang Lady Gaga songs, AND had a hyper turbo engine.
- One strange flight later -
The Gagabot landed in front of a strange hole. Confused, the hair straightened and the airplane landed.
“Hello. Where’s your house?” Maria asked.
Conrad pointed to the hole.
“HOBO?” Shanaynay screamed.
“NO!” Conrad shouted, and shoved Shanaynay into the hole. Shortly afterward, he followed silently. Lukas jumped in too.
Maria and Logan shared a very special look.
Freckles looked up from her laundry to see Conrad walk in with 4 strangers. She dropped the shirt she was holding back in the basket.
“Nuh uh. No,” Freckles instantly said, folding her paws and pacing around them. “We ain’t no @!#@$ hotel!”
“Mother, please!” Conrad said quietly. “Maria and Logan tried to save my life, and these other 2 freaks have no other place to go. We mustn’t turn them out to the streets!”
Freckles sniffed.
“Boqay,” she gave in. “They may stay here for a week. However, they will only get one meal a day, and must perform the nightly ritual.”
With that, Freckles left, carrying the laundry with one hand.
Logan turned to face Conrad.
“What’s the nightly ritual?” he asked somewhat nervously.
Conrad didn’t reply.
After a dinner of dog biscuits, the 5 sat in Conrad’s room.
“So,” LUkas said. “Where do we sleep?”
“In this room,” Conrad said. “Freckles is inviting over some cat friends, and they do ‘feline things’ in the other room.”
“Oh do they like lick fur?” Maria asked.
“What is the nightly ritual?” Shanaynay demanded.
Conrad grew pale.
“Well, you were going to find out sooner or later,” he whispered.
“What??” Maria asked.
Suddenly, bubblegum pop dance music started blasting in the background. Conrad jumped into the air, spun around, and landed with his back to them.
“the nightly ritual,” he whispered, shoulder twitching to the rhythm, “is to… DANCE WITH ME!”
He jump-swiveled around to face them. Lights burst on, and the music started BLASTING all at the same exact second.
Instantly, Logan, Lukas, and Shanaynay gave in to the music, rotating their hips around melodically.
“Nope, not grooving’ it,” Maria said sternly.
Conrad whirled around, smacking the volume button.
“GAH!” Maria screamed, and a smile broke across her face. Squatting down slightly, she thrust her arms in front of her face, and started to wiggle them in a fluid motion.
Conrad pranced around, doing his dance from the ‘Poker Face’ video.
Logan wiped his nose in time to the music.
Lukas twirled around happily, doing the Single Ladies dance while straightening his hair, laughing crazily.
Shanaynay flowed around, imitating dancing fish Gubgub.
“Dance With Me
That’s the way you groove it.
Show me what you got
Stop the talking
On the final note, all 5 took a dramatic pose.
Silence. The neighbor’s light flickered on.
“So, same time tomorrow,” Conrad said, gathering his dancing equipment.
Everyone agreed eagerly.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Chapter 20 - Vacation is where Vicky wants to be

Vicky and Sara hurried along the road to the house. It was raining heavily.
They burst inside.
“Boqay hay,” Sonya said. She leaped out of her chair, fluttering over to them.
“Didn’t you get my letter??” Vicky snapped.
“Hmm,” Vicky said. “Oh yeah!”
She reached for her back pocket.
“EW!” Sara Smilehappygirl said. “Butt touching!”
“That’s weird. I must of dropped it,” Vicky said. She turned to face Sonya. “NO annoying! I’ve had one heck of a week.”
“Boqay,” Sonya said.
Vicky and Sara went to unpack. Of course, Sonya followed them.
“Am I allowed to ask questions involving underwear?” Sonya asked.
“AWAY!” Vicky screamed,
“No, its ok!” Sara said.
Vicky slowly turned to her, growling.
Sonya sat down on the bed.
“So, how’s you’re whole happy thing going?” Vicky asked, unpacking her stuff.
“It’s going GREAT!” Sara announced happily. “So much so that I’ve. . . Adopted my own platypus.”
Sara held out a palm-sized platypus in her hand.
“I named her Lovely. Lovely the platypus!” Sara cried happily.
“Um. . . Will it ever grow?” Sonya asked.
“I think so,” Sara giggled.
“Oh,” Sonya replied.
“OK I’m confused. Buying a miniature platypus proves you are happy HOW?” Vicky asked.
“Think of it as a personal rainbow that I live to carry around!” Sara said.
“Hey who wants to clog dance??” Vicky cried.
The next days went by in total laid-back peace.
After Vicky had carefully spelled out the contents of the missing letter for Sonya, her little sister completely back off, and Vicky had the opportunity to relax.
Clovervicky may have been held off!

Chapter 19 - Dance With Me!

A Letter to Sonya
Vicky was walking back to her dorm, when she saw IT.
Her third fear! “I’M SHAKING LIKE A LEAF!” Vicky screamed, using convenient footholds on the wall to climb up to the air vents.
By the time she reached the top, IT was gone.
A few minutes later, Vicky returned to the dorm via air vent. Sara and Maria were both in the room. Sara looked up at Vicky.
“I’ve decided,” Sara began dramatically,” that I shall not mope about any longer! Starting in 15 minutes, my last name shall be Smilehappygirl!”
“Awesome,” Vicky replied. She sat down at her desk and began to write:
“Dear Sonya. . .
The month at Supul Academy went by quickly. Too quickly to be normal. Watch your back, sister!!
I’ll tell you all about when I get home in around 15 minutes. I’ll also give you this letter.
By the way, the whole point of writing this letter is in the next paragraph.
Oh wait, never mind. It’s in the NEXT paragraph.
Please don’t annoy me during this week off. A lot of things have been seriously budding me off over the month of September, and now it’s time for me to chill out.
Clovervicky is rising up inside of me. It’s just ready to break the surface.
We may be in serious danger. You undoubtedly remember what happened last time Clovervicky escaped.
OK! See you in. . . um . . . I don’t even understand when.
“Whatchu writin?” Maria asked.
Vicky jumped up startled. She quickly covered the section with Clovervicky.
“NOTHING OH MY GOD PLEASE JUST LEAVE ME ALONE CAN’T YOU SEE I’M TRYING TO SLEEP?? Well, come on, let’s go home!” Vicky said, getting up. “The week off awaits!”
She quickly stuffed the letter clumsily into her back pocket.
The 3 left the dorm, locking the door behind them
A creeper walked past Vicky’s dorm.
The same creeper bent over to pick up a piece of paper off the floor. It was a letter, addressed to someone named Sonya.
Said creeper opened the letter, and read it very carefully.

Chapter 18 - A Letter to Sonya

A Letter to Sonya
Vicky was walking back to her dorm, when she saw IT.
Her third fear! “I’M SHAKING LIKE A LEAF!” Vicky screamed, using convenient footholds on the wall to climb up to the air vents.
By the time she reached the top, IT was gone.
A few minutes later, Vicky returned to the dorm via air vent. Sara and Maria were both in the room. Sara looked up at Vicky.
“I’ve decided,” Sara began dramatically,” that I shall not mope about any longer! Starting in 15 minutes, my last name shall be Smilehappygirl!”
“Awesome,” Vicky replied. She sat down at her desk and began to write:
“Dear Sonya. . .
The month at Supul Academy went by quickly. Too quickly to be normal. Watch your back, sister!!
I’ll tell you all about when I get home in around 15 minutes. I’ll also give you this letter.
By the way, the whole point of writing this letter is in the next paragraph.
Oh wait, never mind. It’s in the NEXT paragraph.
Please don’t annoy me during this week off. A lot of things have been seriously budding me off over the month of September, and now it’s time for me to chill out.
Clovervicky is rising up inside of me. It’s just ready to break the surface.
We may be in serious danger. You undoubtedly remember what happened last time Clovervicky escaped.
OK! See you in. . . um . . . I don’t even understand when.
“Whatchu writin?” Maria asked.
Vicky jumped up startled. She quickly covered the section with Clovervicky.
“NOTHING OH MY GOD PLEASE JUST LEAVE ME ALONE CAN’T YOU SEE I’M TRYING TO SLEEP?? Well, come on, let’s go home!” Vicky said, getting up. “The week off awaits!”
She quickly stuffed the letter clumsily into her back pocket.
The 3 left the dorm, locking the door behind them
A creeper walked past Vicky’s dorm.
The same creeper bent over to pick up a piece of paper off the floor. It was a letter, addressed to someone named Sonya.
Said creeper opened the letter, and read it very carefully.

Chapter 17 - Thanks

Maria was nervously walking through hallway. She had just received a text from Gabby, stating that she wouldn’t be home for the week because she had to fly down to Ireland for her grandmother who wasn’t even Irish’s funeral.
A few seconds later, she had received a text from her mother, saying that he couldn’t be home for the week because she was going to Ireland for Gabby’s grandmother who she didn’t even know’s funeral.
She had nowhere to go!
Originally, she was going to ask Vicky if she could stay at her house for the week, but after she figured out that Sara and her memories of Ryan were staying there to, she cancelled those plans.
Now, she was pacing the hallway, hoping that some random person would invite her over.
She turned around.
It was Conrad.
“Oh. Hi. I see you’ve recovered,” Maria said.
“Yeah. I heard your dilemma that you have no where to stay,” Conrad said.
“Oh. . . How?” Maria asked.
“Umm,” Conrad replied.
They were silent. It was incredibly awkward.
“You can come over to my house if you please,” Conrad offered.
“Oh!” Maria gasped, covering her mouth in shock. “Oh. Boqay.”
The door to their left burst open, and Logan emerged. Maria stepped back in shock.
“Me, Lukas, and Shanaynay need a place to stay too!” Logan said.
“Sure,” Conrad replied.
“Wait, I have one question,” Maria said, “Why are you offering this to us? Have we been nice?”
“Just think of it as a thanks for 2 days ago,” Conrad smiled.

Chapter 16 - Lukas and Shanaynay

It was Saturday by now, the first day of the vacation. Maria, Logan, Conrad, Vicky, Sara, Alex, Ashley, Vito, and George had spent the rest of Thursday and all of Friday recovering in ‘BriteMiscope Hosptial’.
“Hay guys!! Now we can form the wheelchair club! I’m a wheelchair BEAST!” Kristen cried, rolling into their room with absolutely no warning.
Saturday morning, Logan had nothing to do besides sneak out of the hospital, get Lukas and Shanaynay, and go home for the vacation.
He entered the room without knocking.
“Boqay well hi,” Lukas said.
“Hi. How’s… life,” Logan said.
“good,” Lukas replied.
“Life is well,” Shanaynay replied.
Both were on the couch, staring at Gubgub’s bowl on the coffee table in front of them.
“How’s Gubgub?” Logan asked.
“Gubgub is well. Much like life,” Shanaynay said.
There was a moment of silence.
“Did you know I was in the hospital yesterday?” LOgan asked.
“No,” Lukas said.
“Yeah. Some guy’s foot exploded,” Logan said.
Lukas and Shanaynay continued to stare at the motionless Gubgub, which Logan was pretty sure had died weeks ago.
“Bye boqay,” LOgan said.
“Bye boqay,” Shanaynay said.
“WAIT!” Lukas screamed, taking a folded piece of paper out of his pocket. “Here’s a letter from Alexis Grace.”
“What?? I thought she was shot, and burnt??” Logan cried.
“Nope. Turns out that the ‘bullets’ were really hummingbirds, sucking Faerie nectar from her body,” Lukas explained.
“And we didn’t burn Alexis Grace, that was just our peacock,” Shanaynay said.
Logan unfolded the letter.
Dear offspring, Shanaynay, and Gubgub~
I have come down with a horrible case of Bird Flu, most likely from that ghastly hummingbird who lives outside our house. Thus, you cannot come home foh the break. Good luck finding somewhere to stay! HAHA!
~Alexis Grace, demon Faerie.
Ps. Don’t stay with Jolene. She was tried with murder this past weekend.
“That’s great!” Logan snapped, dropping the letter. “We can’t go home for the weekend, and Jolene is a murderer! Where are we going to go in the next 15 minutes??”
Lukas shrugged.
“DK,” Shanaynay said.

Chapter 15 Part 2 - Maria and Conrad

Conrad smashed a magnifying glass on the corner of a desk, and picked up a pointy piece of glass.
“Conrad, don’t you think you’re over reacting a LITTLE bit?” Noriega asked.
“Oh boqay,” Noriega said.
“Wait a second…,” Logan whispered. Maria turned around to face him.
“I know why Conrad’s freaking out!” he whispered.
“Oh boqay,” Maria went to turn around again.
“Wait!” Logan said. “It’s because Conrad has SUPUL!!”
Just as Logan dramatically shouted ‘Supul’ Conrad burst into his Supul Form. His head grew huge and mushy. His smile grew across the entire perimeter of his skull. His body, arms, and legs grew thin and spindly. His fingers turned into claws.
“GAH!” Maria screamed.
“Conrad has Supul!” Noriega screamed.
Kyle squealed nervously, flailing his arms around.
“zOMG OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!” Kyle screamed, and fled, leaving a trail of rainbow behind him.
“You guys go get him tea! I need to go to the little reject’s room!” Noriega screamed, and left.
A giant number rose out of Conrad’s head, and started slowly ticking down.
“WHAT IS THAT??” Vicky screamed.
“IT’S A TIMER!” Vito yelled.
“RYAN!” Sara sobbed.
“A TIMER FOR WHAT??” Ashley squealed.
“IDK!” George shouted.
“I’D RATHER NOT FIGURE OUT!” Alex replied loudly.
Logan looked around. No one bothered to run out of the room to get some tea.
He grabbed Maria, who was sitting at her desk bored.
“Come on!” he said.
Without a moment of hesitation, Maria and Logan darted out of the room, leaving the insanity behind them.
“Where do you think we will find tea??” Maria asked.
“I saw a large barrel of it in the girl’s bathroom!” Logan said.
“There are so many things wrong with what you just said its not even funny!” Maria replied.
The 2 burst into the girl’s bathroom. There was a pot of tea boiling in Maria’s favorite sink.
“Boqay,” Maria said.
They pulled the pot out of the sink. It was too heavy, and some tea splashed over the edge.
“Come on!” Logan said. The duo hurried out of the bathroom, crashing into Kristen Kripple as they went, sending her rolling down the hall screaming.
By the time they reached the room again, Conrad was holding Vicky in one shoe and Sara in the other, and was waving them around.
“AAHH!” Vicky screamed, while Sara texted Ryan.
The number above Conrad read:
“Hurry!” Maria squealed.
They sprinted forward.
“GAH!” LOgan screamed. He bumped into Maria‘s desk, sending the pot of tea flying out of his and Maria’s hands. It flew straight up, then fell straight back down, smashing over Logan’s head.
He collapsed.
“POP!” Conrad cried.
The figures of Conrad, Vicky, and Sara were sent blasting through the air in 3 different directions, both of Conrad’s new shoes destroyed into smithereens. A cloud of dust billowed up, covering the entire classroom. All of the students dumb enough to wait in the room for Logan and Maria were sent into violent coughing fits.
Finally, the dust settled down, revealing the injured bodies of Alex, Ashley, Vito, and George strewn about, Sara lying upside down in a cabinet with no more door, Conrad lying face down in a pool of tea, Vicky caught halfway through the half-shattered window, Logan stuck under the giant tea pot, and Maria sitting at her desk, bored.
“Oh my God not doin’ it,” Maria said randomly.
Noriega hurried back into the room, his bladder empty.
“Tonight’s assignment is on the board - oh wait never mind it exploded,” he said, and left.

Chapter 14 - Kyle Joy

The Kyle situation was getting worse.
It was now 3 weeks into the school year, and Conrad had not gotten to touch a magnifying glass once so far. Kyle Joy stole the entire box every day. In between classes, Kyle Joy would shoot rainbows at Conrad’s butt, giving him severe lacerations. And in lunch, Kyle Joy would always take all of the tea packets, sending Conrad nearer and nearer to Supul insanity everyday.
“Boqay,” Conrad said.
Finally, it was the second to last day of school before the one week September-October break. Conrad was on time to Noriega’s class, with Kyle Joy right behind him.
“Do you like follow me around or something boqay?” Conrad asked.
As usual, Kyle Joy did not say anything. Seething with anger, Conrad took a violent sip of tea.
Conrad got up to get a magnifying glass.
Kyle Joy got up to follow Conrad after he got up to get a magnifying glass.
Conrad growled.
Kyle said nothing.
Conrad took a step.
Kyle took a step.
“FREAK!” Conrad screamed.
“…,” Kyle screamed.
Conrad reached Maria’s desk. She prepared to be flung to the floor.
But he never bumped in to her desk. Instead, he stopped walked right in front of her desk. Kyle Joy stopped behind him.
Maria stared up blankly, her mouth slightly opened with shock. Behind her, Logan watched them intensely.
It seemed as though a battle was about to start, and they were both on Conrad’s side, seeing as Kyle Joy was incredibly annoying, and radiated rainbows.
The room was completely silent. They could hear Conrad’s focused breathing.
With no warning whatsoever, Conrad broke into a run, racing towards the magnifying glasses, slopping hot tea all over Kyle Joy’s face.
“BACK!” he screamed, growling. “BACK I SAY! You shall NEVER touch a magnifying glass AGAIN!”
Kyle Joy said nothing.
Maria and Logan stared ahead in shock.
Kyle Joy took a step forward.
“I. Said. BACK!” Conrad roared. He dropped his teacup to the ground in fury, sending tiny shards everywhere.
He whipped out a magnifying glass, wielding it like a sword.
“Conrad, put down your weapon!” Noriega demanded.
“MAKE ME, FREAK!” Conrad roared.
Maria and Logan shared a very special look. They had never seen the polite Conrad so… unpolite!
“Unpolite!” Maria gasped.
Kyle took another step forward. His rainbows were crackling angrily.
This may not end well.

Chapter 14 - Logan and Conrad are Weird

Maria was noticing Logan and Conrad a LOT more often now.
For one, they were both in her first block class, and her lunch. Logan made an annoying habit of poking her at exactly 7:53, 8:15, 8:47, and 9:02 EVERY DAY to make sure she was working.
Also, whenever Conrad and Kyle passed her desk to get a magnifying glass, Conrad would accidentally yet violently bump into her desk, sending her flopping to the floor.
It was now Thursday of the second week of class. It was 8:15.
“Wake up,” Logan whispered, poking her back.
Maria just swatted his arm away, not bothering to lift her head.
Logan poked.
Maria swatted.
At 8:47, nothing happened. Maria looked behind her, surprised.
But Logan wasn’t there.
“Boqay. Whatever. . .,” she said, and turned back around.
Suddenly, it was as though her desk was tilting sideways. One side lifted off the ground while the other remained on the ground. Maria grabbed her books so they wouldn’t fall.
“OH MY GOD EW PLEASE STOP DOING THAT BOQAY??” Maria demanded angrily.
Her desk was put back to normal.
She whipped her head to the right, just in time to see Logan setting her desk down.
“OH MY GOD EW! LOGAN, PLEASE JUST GO AWAY! WHAT WAS THAT??” Maria screamed an inch away from his face.
“The climb!” Logan said happily.
Maria glared at him. She grabbed him by the collar, and got all up in his face.
“Never again,” she whispered, very slowly. “Never. Do. That. Again.”
Logan got up and went back to his desk, just as Conrad walked by. Kyle Joy was close behind him.
Conrad accidentally bumped into her desk, sending her flopping to the ground and out of her chair.
“OH MY GOOOOOOOOOD!” Maria roared.
“So sorry!” Conrad gasped, as Kyle Joy cracked up behind him.
Maria’s arm shot forward, and she grabbed Conrad’s ankle before he could leave, sending him falling to the floor. As soon as he landed, the entire building shook.
“Sorry!” Conrad cried. “It was just an accident that I’ve made 9 times in a row! Calm down, Maria!”
Maria screamed, kicking her legs around.
Kyle Joy, a couple inches behind Conrad as usual, tripped right over Conrad, and also landed on the floor.
“Maria!” Conrad cried.
“Not doin’ it!” Maria yelled.
“What??” Conrad and Kyle Joy said.
“Conrad,” Maria addressed. “Never. Do. That. Again.”
“Fine,” Conrad muttered.
The 3 laid there silently for a couple of seconds. Logan crawled up to them.
“Hi,” he whispered.

Chapter 13 - A Letter from Sonya

Vicky arrived back in the dorm after the fourth block.
She was the only one there.
There was also a pile of envelopes under the door frame.
“Ohh! Mail is my faaaavorite!” Vicky said passionately, twirling over to the pile.
“Let us see. . .”
There was one letter to Maria, from a strange girl named Gabby. 173 letters to Sara, unread and returned from Ryan. And one letter to Vicky, from Sonya.
“This is only the first day of class. . . And she mailed this letter 4 days ago!” Vicky said.
It read:
Dear Sis,
I hate life without you so much, I wrote this letter 3 days early.
Anyway, your greatest hate/ fear was in the grocery market yesterday. And, while both me and a pile of apples were in there, it was not us - IT WAS THE THIRD FEAR!! HAHAHAHAHA!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEHEHEHE!!
Vicky put down the letter.
“Whatever. That was incredibly strange. I shall go put this in my locker,” she said.
Up one floor and across 3 hallways, Vicky arrived at her locker.
The mean girl was already there.
At the assembly, Vicky had discovered that the locker girl’s name was Katie Dibble. Katie was mean to almost everyone.
“Hi,” Vicky said.
Katie, who was completely blocking Vicky’s locker, ignored her.
“HI, BOQAY??!” Vicky screamed.
Katie, the only other person in the hallway, remained silent.
Vicky felt her face growing red, like it always did when she was angry or experiencing great rage. She stepped forward, shoving Katie out of the way and onto the floor. She then slammed Katie’s locker shut, and left.
She could always just keep Sonya’s letter in the dorm.

Chapter 12 - Ashley and Alex

The first day of class was complete. Logan was the first back to his dorm. Pulling out his book, he got started on his homework.
“Ima gonna get every question right cuz im a nerd!” Logan said.
The hallway outside started to rumble.
Logan looked up from his book, curious and frightened.
The door smashed open, splinters flying everywhere. Ashley entered, carrying an entire herd of piglets.
“hay,” she said.
She poked a wide hole in the wall with her pinky and stored her backpack inside.
“in case you haven’t noticed,” she began, “I have a herd of pigs with me. They come from my old farmland. They follow me here. Must have wiffed my scent and followed. It is rather pungent, really. I knew them since I was a little piglet.”
“oh,” logan said. “you must be… really close!”
“actually. Yes. We are. They are my best friends,” Ashley replied. “now I’m going to go cook them for dinner. All except… berna.”
She held up the smallest, most helpless pig Logan had ever seen.
“why is it as big as a… quarter?” LOgan asked.
“I’m going to keep her. Forever! She’ll be dorming with us, in your bed.”
“ooh…,” Logan sighed.
Alex entered the room.
Ashley explained the pigs.
“so tonight, we have bacon and pork!” Ashley exclaimed. “pork my middle name. you shall do dishes.”
Upon mention of the word ‘bacon’, Alex jumped back, screaming. He tumbled back into the hall. The door slammed shut. Ashley stopped talking.
“I wonder - “ Logan began.
The door opened.
Alex stepped in.
“you will NOT,” Alex said, gathering the pigs,” make bacon.”
“Qua you say??” Ashley cried.
Alex sighed, and put the pigs on the floor.
“What I am about to tell you may come as a surprise. It must NEVER be repeated outside of this room. Boqay?” Alex asked.
Ashley nodded.
Logan made a confused indiscernible sound.
“I,” Alex said, “am a scarecrow made out of bacon.”
“Boqay. Ima go start dinner,” Ashley said, gathering the pigs and leaving the room.
Logan turned to Alex.
“do you mean it?” he asked. “you mean when you have Supul, right?”
Alex nodded.
“Boqay. Just making sure,” LOgan replied nervously.
Alex nodded.
Ashley returned into the room with all 15 pigs.
“I decided to let you guys have some bacon. Pick your pigs!” Ashley cried.
Logan and Alex looked at each other, claimed all 15 of the pigs, and hurled them down the air vents.
“RUN FREE! GO!” LOgan screamed, peering down the air vents just in time to see a pig butt hurrying away.
Logan and Alex rushed to the window. Outside, pigs burst free from the school, and ran back to the farms.
They turned to face Ashley.
“… And that’s what we WOULD do if we loved pigs, which we don’t!” Logan cried.
“Did you like our show??” Alex pleaded, more than questioned.
Ashley shrugged and left.

Chapter 11 - Professor Gaga

Professor Gaga
During Noriega’s science class, Conrad got up to get a magnifying class from across the room. Kyle Joy, the happy jerk, followed.
“Boqay…,” Conrad muttered.
Conrad crossed the weird girl Maria’s desk on his way there.
He reached the magnifying glass cabinet.
So did Kyle Joy.
“Um hi…,” Conrad said.
Kyle Joy silently pushed past Conrad, grabbed all of the remaining magnifying glasses, and left, bumping into Conrad as he did.
The bell rang an hour later, and Conrad filed out. Next, he had history with someone named Professor Gaga.
“That reminds me of the Gagabot!” Conrad thought.
Professor Gaga’s class was located outside in a trailer. Conrad exited the building.
Upon entering the trailer, Conrad saw Professor Gaga.
His legs felt weak.
His spine tingled.
He fainted.
Professor Gaga was Lady Gaga! Conrad had NEVER seen that coming!!
Conrad pulled himself off of the ground with the help of a desk that toppled over. Lady Gaga was staring at him curiously.
“I… I think I love you,” Conrad panted, stumbling over to her blindly.
Lady Gaga screamed and leaped back.
“Oh wait,” she sighed happily. “You’re just a young boy.”
A moment of silence.
“Oh,” Lady Gaga said.
Thankfully, the other students came in, and Lady Gaga sprinted off to greet them.
Conrad sat down, thanked the Gods for the luckiest day anyone had ever experienced EVER, and took out his binder.

Chapter 10 - The First Class

Maria woke up early the next day.
Today was Monday, the very first day of classes in Supul Academy.
Summer was over.
Vicky and Sara were already awake.
“And then Ryan accidentally dumped the steaming-hot coffee all over my new blouse, disintegrating the fabric - “ Sara continued from like last night.
“Maria you’re awake what a relief!” Vicky interrupted happily.
“Hi. I have to go to science now, with someone really stupid named Professor Noriega,” Maria said.
“Both of us too!” Sara cried.
“Unfortunately,” Vicky muttered.
After a quick apple-free breakfast, the 3 set out for science. . .
It turned out that a lot of people Maria had noticed were in the same science class.
Logan, Ashley, Alex, Conrad, George, Vito, and the wheel chaired Kristen Kripple were all in it, along with a bunch of other random people.
Maria sat behind Vicky and Sara.
It turns out that Professor Noriega was the teacher Maria had encountered in the auditorium, who forced her to go up on the stage.
“Today,” Noriega began,” we were going to study the idiocy of Simon Cowell not likin’ me, but some people weren’t likin’ the idea.”
The class was silent with confusion.
“So we’ll be studying rocks instead. Weee,” Noriega said, absentmindedly throwing heavy rocks to the frightened students.
“Ohhh . . .,” all of them sighed.
Maria said there, staring motionless at the rock on her desk.
“Psst,” a voice behind her said.
Maria turned around.
It was Logan, the strange boy on the flying hair straightene r.
“You’re actually supposed to touch the rock,” he whispered.
“What are you, a nerd?” Maria whispered back.
“Oh my God NO!” Logan shouted.
“Whatever, shut up. Not doin’ it,” Maria replied.
Conrad, the polite tea-drinking boy walked by, followed by a strange older kid with rainbows bursting out of his body that Maria didn’t recognize.
“Who’s that?” Maria whispered.
No one answered.

Chapter 9 - Who Shall Maria Dorm With?

Maria looked around at the sea of people nervously.
As stated before, Maria didn’t really know anyone here. She decided she would just pick a dorm room, and accept whoever else walked in.
As she searched for an empty dorm, she noticed someone was following her. It was Dante Multiplex, the weird and gross nerd who liked to smile at her. He wanted to room together!
“Oh my God ew no please someone help. Not dormin’ with him,” Maria thought.
She looked away just in time to see two girls ducking into a room.
Praying for luck, Maria jumped across the hallway and slid into the room after them.
Inside were two girls who Maria recognized - the red-faced Vicky Apple, and the sobby Sara Crysadgirl.
“And then Ryan said ‘NO! That’s MY monkey!’ and I was all ’That is a CRICKET’ - “
“You guys were on the phone for 20 seconds!” Vicky cried.
“No, this is the beginning of our second break-up, retart!” Sara cried.
“Ahem I’m like here boqay?” Maria asked.
“Huh?” Vicky asked, turning to face her.
“Please I beg to gain entrance into your room for I am being stalked by the strangest guy I ever saw and its really creepy and he wants to room with me but if I can room with you guys then I won’t have to room with him,” Maria pleaded.
“What’s your name, interruptive?” Sara asked.
“Fine. You’re in,” Sara replied.
“Coool coool,” Maria said.
“Get ready to be tortured,” Vicky whispered to Maria. “I gotta go calm down.”
Vicky left.
Sara turned to Maria.
“You wanna hear about a horrible boy named Ryan?” Sara asked.
“No,” Maria replied with a smile.

Chapter 8 - New Dorm Please

After the assembly, Conrad exited the auditorium with everyone else, looking for familiar faces.
“Hay Conrad,” George Ieatpeople said.
Conrad Teatea and George Ieatpeople had been best friends since three days ago, after both had been dancing to Lady Gaga at the local tavern. While jiggling about, Conrad had caught sight of a rare poisonous butterfly sitting upon George’s head. After George had been stung, Conrad had saved his life by feeding him a healthy banana he carried around in his pocket in case of poisonous bug attacks.
“Oh hay George,” Conrad said.
“So should we be roomies?” George asked.
“No. I mean yes,” Conrad replied.
“Boqay,” George said.
“we need one more person,” Conrad said.
There were exactly 999 students at Supul Academy (counting Gubgub). There were also 333 dorms, each with 3 beds.
Just as ConradNGeorge were looking for a third person, an older student walked by. He was actually skipping, though. Rainbows radiated from his skin, and his hands swayed melodically with his stride.
“Hayhay. Hay everyone. Everyone is beautiful! I love beautiful! Rainbows are fantastic,” he said.
As soon as the strange boy passed Conrad, he froze. The rainbows disappeared.
“Who?” he demanded, in a strange voice that sounded like he was channeling 50 ancient spirits along with it, like a demon.
“You first,” Conrad said.
“I’m Kyle Joy Rainbow Eclaire. I hail from Bunny Haven, and raise ducklings to grow up to be big and cyute,” Kyle Joy Rainbow Eclaire explained.
“Oh boqay. I’m Conrad,” Conrad said.
“I don’t like you,” Kyle said.
“Oh,” Conrad said. “Wanna be roommates?”
“No. I am already rooming with two kittens. Boqay now I have to go knit tutus,” Kyle said.
“Boqay bye,” Conrad said.
“Bye, loser,” Kyle said.
Kyle left.
“Boqay. We still need a third roommate,” George reminded him.
“No duh,” Conrad smiled politely.
Vito Rodent crawled by, his luscious hair completely covering his back.
“N… need roomies,” Vito whispered to himself.
Conrad picked Vito up, though Vito’s limbs continued to scramble around like he was still crawling.
“Boqay we have everyone” Conrad said, safely tucking Vito under his arm.
“OFF! I CAN WALK! WHY DOES EVERYONE DO THAT??” Vito screamed, biting Conrad’s arm.
George managed to find a hidden dorm under a vase display, and the 3 crawled inside.
As they started to unpack, Conrad noticed that Vito was moving his arms around through his thick, amazing hair, as though he was trying to comb it from the inside.
“Vito… Vito?” Conrad asked delicately.
Vito lifted a baby koala from his hair.
“Oh, there you are, Jerry,” Vito said.
Conrad and George were silent.
“Mind if Jerry rooms with us?” Vito asked, his eyes twitching.
Conrad and George were silent.
“Please?” Vito asked.
Conrad and George were silent.

Chapter 7 - Dorm

Logan, lukas, and shanaynay floated among the crowd. Finally, they escaped up a hidden staircase and started searching for a dorm.
“Are we dorming together?” Logan asked.
“nope,” Shanaynay said.
“what?” Logan asked.
“there are only three people per dorm,” Lukas explained.
“… yeah,” Logan said.
“me, lukas, and GubGUb,” Shanaynay said, holding up her goldfish in a glass of water.
Without any warning, lukas and shaynaynay leaped through the nearest door, slamming it shut behind them.
“guys!!” logan cried, clawing at the door.
No response.
Logan looked around. A kid from the assembly - alex muhdde - was walking by.
“hay lets room together boqay?” logan asked.
“boqay, completely random stranger,” Alex said.
“we still need one more person…,” logan said.
Logan reached into the crowd of people and grabbed someone’s hair, and pulled them out of the crowd.
Big mistake.
It was Ashley muscles, the strong farm girl.
Ashley started to growl.
Logan quickly let go of her hair, which strangely felt like a scorpion.
“he did it!” logan cried, pointing at alex. He tried to run away, but was instantly scooped up in one hand.
“yyoouu!” Ashley roared. “you be roomie. We be friends. We share cereal. We farm together on weekend.”
“b - boqay…,” logan shuttered.
She carefully set logan down.
“umm… hi,” alex said.
Ashley turned to him. He began to shiver in fright.
“you feed me dinner. Preferably bacon,” she thundered.
There was a moment of awkward silence.
“hey this looks like a good room!” logan said, hurrying over to an unoccupied dorm.
And so, logan and alex fed Ashley dinner, and became good friends.

Chapter 6 - Oh my God EW!

Maria was looking around, searching for someone to talk to.
This was her first school year here, and sadly Gabby could not attend until next year.
She was the official new girl on the block.
While looking around, she saw a girl in a wheelchair, a boy kindly sipping tea on a bench, 3 people landing in the parking lot on a giant hair straightene r, a sad girl crying silently in the corner, and an incredibly muscled farm girl that reminded her of a scorpion.
“What the heck not doin’ it,” Maria said.
The bell rand, and everyone started heading for the doors. Maria followed.
Her locker number was -11.3, located in the basement. She climbed down the nearest staircase.
The basement was dark and damp. It was only about 10 feet long on all sides. There were about 15 lockers throughout the entire room. Dead rats were scattered everywhere.
Only two other kids had lockers in the basement. One was short with beautiful black hair that flowed down to his waste (Not Logan, btw.)
The other kid was a creepy, tall nerd who kept smiling at Maria. Slime oozed down from his unwashed face.
Ignoring the disgusting nerd, Maria went to her locker.
A few minutes later, Maria entered the auditorium for the beginning-of-the-year assembly. She took a seat in the very back.
“Wrong,” a teacher said, pushing Maria out of the seat. “You’re a n3wb. You have to go onto the stage and introduce yourself.”
“Oh my God EW1!” Maria cried. “Nope. Not doin’ it.”
“But you HAVE to!” the teacher cried.
“NO!” Maria screamed.
“NNOO!!” the teacher screamed back.
“Why can’t I just sit, freak??” Maria asked angrily.
“Cause some people aren’t likin’ it,” the teacher replied.
Somehow, that convinced her. She walked in front of the stage, where a bunch of other kids just entering the school were lined up.
The principal gave a long, pointless speech about how to behave and crap. Finally, he began calling students onto the stage, starting with a red-faced girl named ‘Vicky Apple’.
Each student was expected to walk up, state their name, and cart wheel their way of stage.
A couple students later, students such as Sara Crysadgirl and Katie Dibble were called. The line grew shorter.
The people who flew in on the hair straightene r (Logan and Lukas grace, and Shanaynay Naynay) stepped on the stage, immediately followed by the girl in the wheelchair named Kristen Kripple.
The weird nerd from the basement was called, and Maria found out his name was Dante Multiplex. Also, the hairy boy from the basement’s name was Vito Rodent.
Finally, Maria Flakk’s name was called, which was strangely out of alphabetical order. She walked up onto the stage.
“Say your name and do a cart wheel,” the principal demanded.
“Not doin’ it,” Maria whispered to herself.
The principal growled.
“Fine. Pass, Lazy newb.”
She stepped off stage, smiling.
She watched as a boy named Alex Muhdde was called, followed by a frighteningly obese boy named George Ieatpeople.
Another boy named Conrad Teatea stepped on stage. He was the polite boy who liked to drink tea, as his name curiously implied.
Craig Runescape, the tiniest and most obnoxious boy Maria had ever seen, was also called, along with the farm girl named Ashley Muscles.
Finally, the assembly was over.
Maria was the first out.

Chapter 5 - Sara

Around one hour later, Vicky sweaty, panting, and tired, had reached Supul Academy. She had run the entire way there, her tolerance shortening along with the distance to the school.
By the time she had got there, no one was standing outside, like they normally would be.
She quickly darted inside.
“V I C K Y !” a voice cried.
Vicky turned around. Sara was running towards her.
“Wow,” Vciky thought. She had been in the building for about 2 seconds. . .
“Vicky, Ryan left me!” Sara moaned. Without breaking stride, Vicky ran up the stairs, Sara following her.
“Did I miss the beginning-of-the-year assembly?” Vicky asked, reaching the top floor.
“No, its in 5 minutes R Y A N!!” Sara screamed.
Vicky remained silent. This was the fourth time Sara and Ryan had broken up. Each of the 3 previous times, they got back together exactly 3 weeks after breaking up.
“What is different this time than it was the 3 other times?” Vicky asked.
“This time it was in the morning! Morning sounds like mourning, like I will be mourning him for the rest of my life.”
As Sara continued to ramble on, a girl Vicky didn’t know walked behind them.
She just stood there, waiting.
With an impatient look on her face.
“Umm. . . Hi,” Vicky said, cutting across Sara.
“You are in front of my locker idiot,” the girl growled.
“Oh! Sorry!” Vicky said, shifting to the right. The girl stepped up to her locker, violently pushing past Vicky as she went.
“. . . And then Ryan told me to just buy the boquet of flowers. But . . . I did not want them!” Sara continued, as though nothing had just happened.
The other girl slammed her locker shut, as though still violently annoyed.
Vicky turned to look at her. But she was already gone.

Chapter 4 - Annoyance

“V I C K Y! V I C K Y, W A K E U P!” Sonya screamed.
In her bed, Vicky sat upright.
“T A K E T H A T A P P L E A W A Y F R OM M E!” Vicky cried, still half asleep.
“Got no apples. I just felt like annoying you,” Sonya, Vicky’s little sister, giggled.
“G R R !” Vicky screamed, reaching for Sonya. She quickly darted out of the room.
Sighing angrily, Vicky got out of bed.
Her cell phone began to vibrate.
“R - Ryan. . . Why?” Sara asked, tears streaming down her face.
“I don’t ever want to talk to you again, Sara. It’s just. . . Better this way. Sorry,” Ryan said.
With that, Ryan hung up.
Sara spent the next 10 minutes sobbing violently. Then, she picked up her phone. . .
“What?” Vicky answered.
“V I C K Y !” Sara’s voice cried. Then, without pausing for breath, Sara launched into the story.
“And. . . Then he just leaves, without any explanation,” Sara’s shaky voice finished.
Vicky looked at the clock. 7:48.
“Sara, we’ll talk about this at the Academy. I have to get ready,” Vicky shut her phone.
7 minutes later, Vicky rocketed down the stairs. Sonya was already there, munching on an apple.
It was 7:56.
“Can’t talk Sonya, the bus will be here in 4 minutes!” Vicky explained, blasting across the room and gathering her things.
The bus was 2 minutes early, as though it had missed a stop earlier. It pulled outside of her house.
“Bye Sonya!” Vicky cried, racing out of the door.
“Wait! You didn’t have breakfast!” Sonya cried, and threw the apple at Vicky.
The apple hit Vicky’s cheek, where it stuck.
“I T B U R N S!! I I I I T B U U U U R N S!” Vicky screamed. She slapped the apple off of her cheek, toppling onto the floor. There was a scorch mark on her cheek.
Vicky was allergic to apples. Very allergic. It was one of her top 3 fears, along with Sonya and -
“I M S O S O R R Y !” Sonya screamed, racing over to her.
Yep, Sonya was definitely the second greatest fear.
“I,” Vicky growled, “H A T E you.”
And then she turned around just in time to see the bus driving away.