Thursday, May 28, 2009

Chapter 27 - Witch Lady

Boqay so we just like. . . Walk in?” Maria asked.
“Um yeah,” Conrad answered.
They went to the porch, where a rope trap was clearly set up , seeing as it covered the entire porch like a thick carpet, ropes ready to be pulled to tighten the carpet the second PEEPEE stepped on it hung everywhere, and the witch lady huddled a couple feet away.
“What? Do you think we wouldn’t notice that?!?!?!” Logan snapped at the witch, who cringed back.
She stood up, swearing.
“Fine! You outsmarted me THIS time. But that doesn’t mean I’m going to give back you’re bulky friend! HA!” the witch lady snapped.
“Why not??” Vicky demanded.
“Cuz she has the magical touch when it comes to butter churning!” the witch lady explained.
“Whatever!” Alex shouted.
She spun around dramatically, throwing her arms up. PEEPEE stepped back a couple inches in surprise.
She stopped spinning, facing them.
“You have convinced me,” she whispered with passion. “I will give back my precious she-churner. Follow me.”
Well, that had worked out well.
PEEPEE followed the witch lady onto the porch. With no warning, the witch burst into a dramatic prance, reaching one of the dangling ropes.
The net underneath them flew up, capturing PEEPEE.
“BWA! I HAVE EMERGED AS THE ULTIMATE VICTOR!” the witch lady screamed.
The next thing anyone knew, they were in complete darkness. A light flickered on, revealing they were chained to a series of pipes in a damp dungeon, with a very frail Ashley next to them.
The witch lady hurried down the steps, as though she was late for a curfew.
“Welcome,” she whispered, throwing her arms wide around her,” to my basement.”
“How did we get here??” Sara asked.
“I used a spell to transport you,” the witch lady replied.
“Why didn’t you just do that in the first place??” Vito demanded.
A microwave in the distance went off, and the witch lady hurried away, holding her skirt so it wouldn’t fall off.
She slammed the door shut.
Everyone turned to Ashley.
“I told you not to come,” Ashley whispered.
“Huh??” George asked.
“No you didn’t!” Logan said.
“Oh. Oh yeah,” Ashley giggled.
There was a long moment of silence.
“Um where do we pee?” Vicky asked.
“I like to aim for that pole,” Ashley nodded to a pole Maria was chained to.
Maria’s eyes grew wide.
The witch lady rushed back down, panting with effort.
“Oh yeah I forgot to say that I’m going to let 8 of you run free in a couple of minutes,” she said.
“What happens to the ninth?” Alex asked.
“I stab them to death and eat them,” the witch lady replied, and left again.
“Soo. . . What’s your favorite Pokemon?” Alex asked.
“Never mind that! We need to pick who’s gonna stay back and be stabbed!” Sara cried.
“I pick George,” Maria said instantly.
“HELP!” George cried.
“NO! NOBODY HELP HIM!” Maria shouted.
“I pick Vicky, cuz she’s the only one besides from the weakened Ashley who stands a fighting chance against the witch,” Logan voted.
“Not Lovely!” Sara gasped. “I choose Alex!”
“Well, I choose Conrad!”
“I choose Vito!”
“I choose Lovely!”
Everyone was now trying to kick each other to death.
“WAIT!” Maria screamed. “I know a way we humans and Lovely can ALL survive!”
Everyone turned to her.
“We sacrifice Vito’s rat-thing Jerry!”
“NOOO!” Vito shouted. Jerry crawled out of his hair. “He is NOT a rat! He’s a koala!”
Jerry brushed aside his gorgeous hair, revealing a beautiful koala.
“Man, we can’t kill a koala. . .,” Maria snapped, disappointed.
“Boqay! It’s time!” the witch lady called.

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