Friday, July 17, 2009

Chapter 74 Training

Miley was surprised to see that Logan and Conrad were yet again watching the climb training.
“You know, this is supposed to be private...,” Miley said.
“Not anymore, hon,” Logan said. “We need training for Vicky's friend exam.”
“Yeah,” Maria said.
“Idk. Whatever. Come with me,” Miley said, and then jogged off into the forest.
The pod followed silently.
“Vine swinging!” Miley announced proudly when they caught up.
“What?” Conrad asked intensely.
“Today, I shall teach you the art of Monkey Wings, more commonly referred to as vine swinging,” Miley explained.
“I call first!” Logan cried.
“Oh go right ahead,” Maria smiled politely.
Logan deftly climbed up a gnarled tree.
“The climb!” Maria gasped.
He grabbed a vine hanging from a branch so high up that it was out of sight.
“Where do I swing to?” he asked Miley.
“Um another tree?” Miley replied.
Logan jumped off the branch. The vine swung deeper into the forest, out of sight.
“Just wait,” Miley said.
(Half an hour later)
“Huuummmm,” Maria meditated.
Logan's vine swung back, though Logan was no longer on it.
“Boqay Conrad's turn,” Miley said quickly.
Conrad climbed up the tree.
“The climb!” Maria gasped again.
“Would you stop that?!” Miley snapped.
“Oh hay guys,” Logan said, walking towards them from the complete opposite direction the vine had come.
Conrad gently jumped off the branch. Rather than calmly gliding to the next tree, he completely flipped over upside down, and then slammed into an eagle's nest somewhere further up the tree.
“Oh hay mother eagle,” Conrad said to an eagle sitting on some eggs.
Maria climbed up the tree.
“Here goes nothing,” she shrugged. She jumped, just as the vine spontaneously combusted in a huge burst of flames.
Maria stopped, dropped, and rolled. Miley and Logan sprinted over to her.
“What the heck just happened?!” Logan asked, as Conrad rode an eagle to the forest floor in the background.
“Are you boqay?!” Miley cried to Maria's face.
“Yeah. Things like that always happen. Me and Gabby communicate through signal fires,” Maria explained.

“Next, we are going to interact with animal life,” Miley explained.
“Sweet finally I get to eat beaver meat!” Logan cheered.
“No,” Miley said. “No. We will not be eating these creatures. Instead, we shall be harnessing each one's unique abilities to our own advantage in a nonthreatening and gentle manner,” Miley elaborated.
“Fork and bib, please,” Logan ordered.
Miley shot him in the head.
“Look! Sea lions!” Maria exclaimed. She pointed to a flock of sea lions near the ocean water.
“Wait how long were we on a beach? And how long was Supul Academy next to an ocean?” Conrad asked.
“Since you were born, hon,” Miley replied patiently.
“What are we going to do with the sea lions?” Logan asked.
“Ride them across the water from one point to another,” Miley replied.
The pod let out a hideous scream.
Miley cringed, hiding in a cold, dark corner.
“Why did you scream?” she demanded.
“We were letting forth our primal yomm,” Maria answered.
“Sea creatures love you, Miley Cyrus,” Conrad lectured harshly. “And you should pay them the due respect.”
“Sea creatures love me?” Miley's eyes twinkled brightly.
“More than you may think,” Maria replied intelligently.
Behind them, the sea lions floated up into the sky.
Miley stared.
“We've been discovered,” a sea lion spoke. “Flee!”
The sea lions flew deep into outer space.

After hours of extensive training, the pod felt ready to take Vicky's friend exam.
“Thanks, Horaldo!” Miley called behind her as the pod ran away.
“It's.... Miley...,” Miley said.
They conveniently found Vicky standing in the middle of the hallway.
“We're ready for the exam!” Conrad said.
“Boqay. Wait here, I'll go get the tigers.”
Vicky jogged away.
“Where does she keep them?!” Logan asked.
“I wonder what she's going to make us do with tigers,” Maria shivered darkly.
“They're gonna kill us!” Conrad gasped.
Vicky came back, her arms filled with tiger animal crackers.
“Oh wait never mind,” Conrad said.
“Animal crackers?” Logan asked.
“Yeah. The test is to see how many animal crackers you guys can eat in one sitting.”
“What factor determines if we pass or fail?” Maria asked.
“Can't tell you. EAT!” Vicky shrieked.
The pod got to work eating the animal crackers. These were the results after an hour:
Maria: 3
Conrad: 703
Logan: 348
Vicky closely examined the numbers.
“You all pass!” she shrieked.
“... How?” Conrad asked.
“As long as the last digit was odd, I passed you,” Vicky explained.
“Mine was even...,” Logan said.
“So we're friends now?” Conrad asked.
“Correct,” Vicky replied.
“How... uncommon,” Maria said.
“Call me tomorrow. We can, um, treat ourselves to a Happy Meal and check out the new petting zoo,” Vicky said, and left, tripping on the way out.

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